21.06.2013 Rroma Debate in Germany

Kuhn (2013) discusses the letter of Duisburg’s office for foreigners which asked Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants for proof of the legality of their residency in Germany. When the criteria for legal residency are not met, the recipients are threatened with forced expulsion. After three months residency, EU citizens must certify that as they are employees, self-employed or working in a vocational training program. If they do not meet these criteria, they can be expelled. The city administration is defending itself and insists this is not designed against Bulgarian or Romanian Rroma. Critics see the increased scrutiny on immigrants as part of the political disputes over the feared mass immigration from Romania and Bulgaria.


  • Kühn, Oliver (2013) „Illegale Abschiebungen“ von Roma – Linke attackiert Ausländerbehörde. In: Der Westen vom 18.6.2013. 