21.12.2012 Forced Return of Rroma in Kosovo

Forced return of Rroma to the Kosovo

The ‘Society for Threatened Peoples’ elaborates and criticizes the practice of the Swiss Department of Migration for forcing Rroma back to Kosovo, even though their successful reintegration into the Kosovo society is not certain. They state that between 2010 and November 2012 661 persons belonging to an ethnic minority have been forced to return to the Kosovo. Despite the “Memorandum of Understanding” signed between the Kosovo and Switzerland in the beginning of 2012, which should assure favorable conditions for members of minorities as civil registration, access to education and protection from discrimination, the situation of Rroma in the Kosovo has not improved. The report states that discrimination against Rroma, Ashkali and Balkan Egyptians is ongoing and people belonging to this groups face everyday victimization in working, education, mobility, use of their language and access to public services. According to the report, between 73-84% of Rroma, Ashkali and Balkan Egyptians in the Kosovo are currently unemployed.

Because of these shortcomings, the report criticizes and strongly advises against the forced return of Rroma to Kosovo. The RCP appreciates the objective, critical assessment of the ‘Society for Threatened Peoples’ and takes sides with its demand. Especially the forced return of entire families, with children who attended Swiss schools, has to be heavily criticized. Often, these children don’t speak Albanian and therefore face difficulties with re-schooling in the Kosovo. 


  • Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (2012) Wiederausreise statt Reintegration? Die Situation der unter Zwang rückgeführten Roma, Askahli und Ägypter. Ostermundigen: Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker Schweiz.