22.03.2013 Cynical Optimism about Hungarian Rroma

Pester Lloyd (2013) reports on the ambivalent statement of the chairman of the national self-government of the Rroma in Hungary. Florian Farkas postulates that since Fidesz’s arrival to power in 2010, around 36,000 Rroma were reintegrated into the labour market. Pester Lloyd denies this optimismic view with the statement that the majority of these new positions are actually subsidized jobs or local employment programs, and therefore no real progress has been achieved. In these local programs they were also “partly at the mercy of racist supervisory methods”. The optimism about increasing graduation rates is also ambivalent, since ethnicity is not noted on statistics.


  • Pester Lloyd (2013) “Erfolgsmeldungen” vom Chef der Roma in Ungarn. In: Pester Lloyd vom 22.3.2013. 