24.01.2014 Christian Vanneste rages against the EU and against the Rroma

Christian Vanneste (2014) UMP politician and former member of the Rassemblement pour la République a party originally founded by Charles de Gaulle, rages in his latest article against the European Union and the Rroma. He uses the metaphor of a sinking ship in order to make fun of the impact of the European Union and the immigrants on France. Vanneste advocates a completely sealed off France that determines his policies alone and restricts immigration. He is especially angry with the regulation that Rroma have a right of co-determination as members of the European Union. Vanneste outs himself with his statements as an arch-conservative politician who favours a France only for the French. He is not too far away from the demands of the Front National. The right-wing party also calls for a completely closed off France: “Des “Roms” se sont inscrits à Villeurbanne, alors qu’on a des raisons d’être inquiet de cette immigration, de ses motivations et de ses conditions. Cerise sur le gâteau: ces  campeurs bénéficient d’une domiciliation grâce à leur inscription à l’AME synonyme de totale gratuité des soins sans cotisation.” [Rroma registered in Villeurbanne, all the while we have reasons to fear this immigration, its motivation and conditions. Cherry on the cake: these campers are entitled to free health care without any contribution due to their attestation of domicile with the AME.] In contrast to Vanneste’s remarks. the importance of a united Europe with open borders has to be emphasised. Restrictive policies and sealed borders do not solve problems but create new ones. The Rroma integration is a pan-European task requiring a pan-European commitment.
