29.11.2013 George Soros: How to integrate the Rroma better


Soros (2013 I / II) explains in his article in Le Temps and Les Echos how to better integrate the Rroma in Europe. As a result of the new EU citizenship of many European countries, Rroma have become the target of a national planning policy and their situation has also deteriorated. To counteract the tendency of increasing marginalization and exclusion, an investment in the education of the young generation is essential. That’s why he has funded the Roma Education Fund (REF) which helps more than 100,000 pupils and students every year. However, the work of the Fund is not sufficient on its own when the respective States do not actively participate in better integration of the Rroma. In addition, the private sector needs to be reminded of its duty: “L’objectif éducatif n’est cependant pas suffisant. Les Roms doivent pouvoir être en mesure de trouver un emploi. La possibilité d’une solution durable exigerait de l’Europe qu’elle bâtisse une classe ouvrière rom. Le secteur privé a ici lui aussi un rôle à jouer.”  [The educational objective is not sufficient. The Roma need to be able to find work. A durable solution to the Roma problem requires Europe to build a Roma worker class.”] It cannot be that one waits passively for an improvement of the situation. Active and well-considered action is needed (see George Soros in 2013 III / IV).
