31.05.2013 Segregation of Rroma in Greece

123recht.net (2013) discusses the segregation of Rroma children in Greece. The European Court of Justice condemned the separate enrolment of Rroma  children as “ethnic exclusion” which goes against the prohibition of discrimination. The schools of the city Sofades have to pay the plaintiff 1,000 euro per family in damages. Whether this condemnation will change something  to the effective practice of segregated schools is questionable. 123recht.net (2013) states curtly: “According to the European Convention on Human Rights, signatory States must implement the judgments of the Strasbourg Court. Often, condemned countries simply pay the penalties without eliminating the abuses.” In Sofades there are four public schools, three of which are reserved to ethnic Greeks according to current practice.

Jezerca Tigani, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Europe and Central Asia criticising the Greek government for its inability to respect European court decisions, of which there are now already three, to repeal the segregation of Rroma children. In a statement, he proposes that the EU should use all available legal and political means to force Greece to comply with the anti-racism provisions. She noted: “EU institutions must use all the political and legal measures in their power against countries that fail to effectively implement the Race Equality Directive which prohibits discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin in many areas including education“ (Amnesty International 2013).


  • Amnesty International (2013) European Court again chides Greece over discrimination against Roma schoolchildren. In: Amnesty International online vom 30.5.2013.
  • 123recht.net (2013) Menschenrechtsgericht rügt “ethnische Ausgrenzung” von Roma-Kindern. In: 123recht.net vom 30.5.213. 