A Hole in the Head

A long article about the movie “A Hole in the Head” about the Rroma Holocaust, as well as an interview of Raymond Gurene a French manouche who is 100 years old and who managed to escape the Holocaust.
It is interesting to see that this documentary has prompted many articles in the Slovak press.

– Hrôzy rómskeho holokaustu: Pri vraždení ich ani nepočítali, boli menej ako zvieratá. In: Aktualne. 16.04.2017. https://aktualne.atlas.sk/kultura/film-televizia/pri-vrazdeni-ich-ani-nepocitali-boli-menej-ako-zvierata-hovori-romskom-holokauste-autor-noveho-filmu.html [link-preview url=”https://aktualne.atlas.sk/kultura/film-televizia/pri-vrazdeni-ich-ani-nepocitali-boli-menej-ako-zvierata-hovori-romskom-holokauste-autor-noveho-filmu.html”]

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