On the 8th of October, two men in a car shot several times against a house in a Roma Osada. The police has ruled out a racial motive and is saying that the two men were under the influence of alcohol. Apparently, the two men wanted to have sex with a Romni, and while waiting, accidently shot several times …
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– Streľba na Rómov v Pohronskej Polhore nemala rasový motív, mladíci chceli na seba upozorniť. In: Web Noviny. 12.10.2017. https://www.webnoviny.sk/strelba-na-romov-v-pohronskej-polhore-nemala-rasovy-motiv-mladici-chceli-na-seba-upozornit/
– V prípade streľby na rodinný dom Rómov polícia vylúčila rasový motív. In: Teraz Regiony. http://www.teraz.sk/regiony/pohronska-polhorav-pripade-strelby-n/285888-clanok.html [link-preview url=”https://www.webnoviny.sk/strelba-na-romov-v-pohronskej-polhore-nemala-rasovy-motiv-mladici-chceli-na-seba-upozornit/”]