A book by the French ethnologist Catherine Monnot about her conversations and interviews of Gabriela Cantia, a Romanian Rromni who emigrated to France and leaves close to Toulouse in a camp was just published.
- Gabriela, Rom de France : rencontre autour du livre, vendredi 18 mai. In: Actu Toulouse. 12.05.2016. http://actu.cotetoulouse.fr/breves/gabriela-rom-de-france-rencontre-autour-du-livre-vendredi-18-mai_35992/
- Rencontre auteure à Ombres Blanches le vendredi 13 mai. In: Rencontromsnous. https://rencontromsnous.com/2016/04/13/rencontre-auteure-a-ombres-blanches-le-vendredi-13-mai/