Category Archives: Hungary


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Two young Rromnja were denied the entry in a popular nightlife passage in the centre of town, unless they would be escorted by a security guard.
This is illegal! And it is being denied too.

– Gozsdu Udvar denies Roma women entry to popular Budapest nightlife area. In: Budapest Beacon. 06.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary and Rroma Holocaust

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What happens in Hungary do on Holocaust Day? Well, the Rroma Holocaust Centre in Csepel announced it will close for lack of funds. They lack 110k USD.

– Roma Holocaust center closes in Csepel due to lack of funding. In: Budapest Beacon. 30.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: Jobbik’s Party Day

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Jobbik, the Hungarian extreme rightist party held its first conference of the year a few days ago. Its leader, Gabor Vona is trying to shed some of the most racist sides of his party to make it more “mainstream”.
Let’s not be fooled… They are all extremely anti-Rroma, anti-Jews, and anti-Moslems.

– HUNGARIAN FAR-RIGHT JOBBIK PARTY HOLDS YEAR-OPENING CONFERENCE. In: Hungary Today. 30.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]


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A real piece of official news from Hungary. It is a letter to the editor to an article we also published here. The Orban government did a lot for Rroma. Yes, you read it. For example advocating segregation in schools (for the good of the Rroma – according to Mr. Balog, Human Resource Minister), and many more “good” deeds.
This is alternative news …

– Hungary is not ‘hell’ for Roma. In: Politico. 30.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Testimonies of a Brutal Attack

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A chilling description of an attach on Rroma in North Eastern Hungary and on the general attitude of authorities towards such crimes. Hungary was condemned by the EU Court of Human Rights exactly for such an attack. But it is not an uncommon thing, unfortunately.

– Masked men attacked the Roma laborers just as the police officer had advised. In: Budapest Beacon. 28.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Czech Republic: Politics and Rroma

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An interview of a Rroma activist who condemns the recruitment by extremist parties of Rroma to support anti-migrant policies. The same happens in Hungary and in other countries. In Hungary, the government even dsaid that should migrants come in, they would have to cut social help for Rroma …

– Jozef Miker: It irritates me when Workers Party supporters recruit Roma against migrants. In: Romea. 21.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Give them a Chance

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The project “give them a chance” was presented recently in Lendava. The project with its partners from Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia prepared a training program for teachers in various education programs and vocational training for adults taught by members of the Roma ethnic minority. As explained by Rachel Hojnik in the People’s University of Lendava the targets of this program are adult educators who work in areas where members of the Roma ethnic minority live.

– Tri države združile moči v projektu za večjo uspešnost izobraževanja odraslih Romov. In: Pomurec. 19.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary Condemned

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The European Court for Human Rights condemned Hungary for its lack of protection of Rroma against extreme rightist violence. This is the consequence of a march of ca. 500 Jobbik members through a Rroma neighbourhood in Devecser, chanting racist slogan and threatening the Rroma who lived there. The police did of course nothing.

Ungarn wegen mangelndem Schutz von Roma vor Rechtsextremen verurteilt. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 17.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: Some Help

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A small grassroots project helping Rroma in Hungary. Not many, but better than nothing.

– Roma-Familien in Ungarn bekommen Unterstützung aus Eickel. In: WAZ. 18.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Wallenberg Price

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The recipients of this year Wallenberg price, named after the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary during World War Two were named. Among them there is a Rroma association, Chakra teachings of Moldava nad Bodvou. The aim of the association is to achieve integration through education.
Well done!

– Wallenbergovu cenu získalo aj slovenské rómske združenie. In: Aktuality. 17.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, the Cold, and Rroma

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An article about the impact of the cold spell in Hungary on Rroma who struggle to keep warm. To be frank, it is not only Rroma, but also many poor Hungarians who cannot afford the costs of heating. And temperatures dropped to close to -30.

– Roma struggle to keep warm in Hungary’s deadly cold snap. In: SFGate. 12.01.2017.
– Roma struggle to keep warm in Hungary’s deadly cold snap. In: SeattlePi. 12.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary Gypsy Policy

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A first in the French Press on how the Hungarian policies towards Rroma are going back to the past where it was legal to kill Rroma … Quite amazing from a mainstream French radio.

– La politique anti-tziganes en Hongrie. In: France Inter. 29.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: Operetta on Rroma

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A Hungarian Operetta on Rroma has debuted at the Hungarian National Theatre. The play has been on stage in 2014 in Hungary and abroad. The performance claims to show f Roma Culture and traditions and to seek authentic Gypsy music and dance show of the world.
The plot however, is clearly biased towards the life in the Cigany Telep, the Rroma ghettoes in villages and towns of Hungary. Quite full of stereotypes.

– KERÉNYI MIKLÓS MÁTÉ A SOMNAKAJBAN DEBÜTÁL. In Szinhaz. 26.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

A Bishop in Hungary …

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An interview of the Bishop Miklos Beer of Vac, in Hungary… One can seriously ask oneself if he is truly applying the precepts of the church. His views on Rroma are simply not acceptable and outrageous. He wants segregation, especially in school. No further comments, read for yourself…

– Bishop Miklós Beer on the Roma, refugees and Christianity in Hungary. In: Hungarian Free Press. 26.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Electricity

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The story of a foundation who is giving away solar panels to poor Rroma in Hungary so that they have electricity. As they struggle to pay the bill, electricity is often lacking, even when the houses are on the grid.

– “Light bringers” help Hungary’s impoverished Roma power their homes. In: Daily Mail. 16.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Home Guard – A Hungarian Movie

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A long review on a new Hungarian movie “Home Guard” about right wing extremists taking over a small town in Hungary. The basic problem of the movie is its obvious racial overtones, especially against Rroma who are represented exclusively as thieves, liars, etc. All stereotypes usually associated to them by the general Hungarian public are present here.
Really BAD

– “Home Guards”: A Film About Modern-Day Hungary or an Ode to Neo-Nazis? In: Los Angeles Review of Books. 09.12.2016.! [link-preview url=”!”]

Hungary and Poverty

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26.3% of the Hungarian population is at risk of poverty. This is a huge number, 2.54 Mio people. And no, contrary to what some people say, they are not all Rroma. There are “only” around 800’000 Rroma in Hungary and not all fall in that category.
This is a dismal number and it is one of the drivers of the xenophobism and anti-Rroma attitude in the country.

– KSH: 26.3% of Hungarians at risk of poverty or exclusion. In: Budapest Business Journal. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]


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According to an article in Blooomberg, it is the “fear of Roma” which turned Eastern Europe against refugees… The argumentation is that the integration of Rroma failed in those countries, and thus provided an example of what could happen.
This is pretty OUTRAGEOUS as a theory…
How about real anti-migrant propaganda in Hungary, and a few other things which are much more related to extreme rightist movements?

– Fear of the Roma Turned Eastern Europe Against Refugees. In: Bloomberg. 30.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Zurich and Prostitution

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An article about the drive through that was set up for prostitutes in Zurich. Not bad in itself, but the author claims that the prostitutes are “mostly Rroma” which is false. Yes, there are some Rromnja, especially from Hungary, but it is by far not the majority.

– Why Zurich has turned its red-light district into a drive-through, In: The Independent. 23.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]