Category Archives: Hungary

Hungary: Rroma Fashion Designer

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A Hungarian Rroma and a fashion designer is hoping that his fashion can build bridges in the Hungarian society. We hope so, as currently the society is totally divided and exceedingly racist towards minorities, especially Rroma.

– Roma designer hopes fashion can build bridges in Hungarian society. In: Reuters. 15.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Jobbik Changes?

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Vona, the leader of the Hungarian ultr-right party Jobbik is trying to make believe his party is changing fast and is shedding its racism against Rroma and Jews…
Hard to believe.

– Is Hungary’s Jobbik leader really ditching far-right past? In: BBC News. 15.11.2015. [link-preview url=”″]

England: More on the Adoption

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Another article about the imminent adoption of two young Rroma girls whose parents have now returned to Hungary. As said, matters are more complex than represented here.

– Roma sisters ordered to remain with UK foster family. In: Sky News. 21.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

UK and Adoption

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Two young Rroma children who were removed in London from their parent’s home (at birth and at the age of 15 months) are now allowed to be given for adoption following a ruling of the High Court.
The children were traken away against their parents’ will because of the poverty and squalid conditions they lived in. The parent, Rroma from Hungary, meanwhile returned to Hungary.
Here, the well being of the children was used as an argument. But is it really sufficient to deprive them of their parents and to deprive the parents of their children?

– Roma sisters should be adopted, the High Court rules. In: Stowe. 19.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Buddha and Rroma

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A surprising tale of Buddha in the middle of a Rroma settlement in Hungary. A school named after Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891 – 1956), an Indian lawyer coming from the Dalits in a Rroma settlement aims at helping Rroma out of the exclusion which is too often the norm in Hungary. The school is run by Janos Orsos, a Rrom who converted to Buddhism.

– Wie Buddha in die Roma-Siedlung kam. In: Budapester Zeitung. 14.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Government Wants to Reduce Rroma in Special Schools

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The Slovak Government wants to reduce the number of Rroma children in special schools and to this end is focusing on pre-school training.
We hope this will works, as in Slovakia (and in the Czech Republic and Hungary) putting Rroma children in special schools is almost the norm.

– Vláda chce znížiť počet Rómov v špeciálnych školách. In: TA3. 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: A book on Holocaust and Rroma

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A recent fiction book in Hungary is tackling the touchy subjects of Holocaust and racism against Rroma.

– Endre Farkas: Never, Again. In: The Hungarian Free Press. 04.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: School Segregation

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The European Commission opened legal proceedings against Hungary about their continued segregation of Rroma in the school system.
It is about time!

– En Hongrie, la ségrégation scolaire des enfants roms s’aggrave. In: Le Monde. 26.09.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: Jobbik against Rroma Spending

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The Hungarian extreme rightist party Jobbik is attacking the government plans to spend 91 billion forint for Rroma integration during the next 4 years and accused the government of “election racism” …
One thing is clear though, Jobbik is certainly racist.

– Jobbik attacks Roma spending. In: Budapest Times. 25.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Not all that is called Gold in golden …

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A new musical opened up in Hungary. It is called Somnakaj – gold in Rromanes, and is a “Gypsy” musical. These types of things are not always positive, as they often tend to use the standard stereotypes that people have, thus reinforcing them …


Hungary: Rroma vs. Migrants

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This is fast becoming a farce… The Orban government is now betting on Rroma integration to resolve demographic problems.
The segregate, they discriminate, and now this.

– Orbán setzt auf Roma statt Migranten. In: Die Presse. 19.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary Urged to End “Benevolent Segregation”

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What can be “benevolent” about segregation? This is simply segregation, and is practised enthusiastically in Hungary in villages, in schools, and wherever possible.
End these practices.

– Experts urge Hungary to end ‘benevolent segregation’ of Roma. In: Fox News. 19.09.2016.
– Europe rights body demands Hungary end Roma segregation. In: The Standard. 19.09.2016. [link-preview url=”

Hungary: School Segregation Continues

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Hungary: School Segregation Continues

What a surprise … In spite of the condemnation of the EU and the urging of the EU Commission, Hungary continues to segregate Rroma in its school system. A chilling read, but not a surprise since the Human Resource Minister, Mr. Zoltan Balog advocates this segregation.

Hungary Commemorates the Rroma Holocaust

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Hungary Commemorates the Rroma Holocaust

Hungary did commemorate the Rroma Holocaust Remembrance day and even unveiled a memorial to it. Frankly said, they should rather ponder about their history (after all, they deported pretty much all Jews and some Rroma by themselves without assistance), and about the future, namely the extreme racism against Rroma in that country.

Canada: Further Developments

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Canada: Further Developments

A humanitarian application has been deposed for the Lakatos family who is due to be deported on August 11. Advocacy groups are urging the government to consider this application prior to this date.

Evictions in Szekesfehervar in Hungary

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Evictions in Szekesfehervar in Hungary

Several hundred people, about half of which are Rroma are facing eviction in Szekesfehervar, a small city near Budapest. The leases are simply not renewed and people are evicted. Some Rroma reported being told that “the borders are open” …

BAD, and a pattern in Hungary.

Canada: Lakatos Family Deported

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Canada: Lakatos Family Deported

The Lakatos family who had a reprieve two weeks ago has now been definitively ordered to leave Canada by August 11th. They have no possibilities left to appeal. This decision prompted protests in solidarity with the family.