Category Archives: Hungary

Canada: The family is going

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Canada: The family is going

As we write, the Lakatos family will probably have returned to Hungary. Their permit expired yesterday, and bar a miracle, they will have had to leave.

Orban on Europe …

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Orban on Europe …

An article which summarises the interview from Viktor Orban in the Frankfurter Allgemeine. To quote him: “in Hungary we must integrate hundreds of thousands of our Roma compatriots into the labour market. This is a good excuse for a lot of things. An in terms of work integration, they have come up with the mandatory Közmunka, a source of cheap labour…

Hungary: Situation Improved

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Hungary: Situation Improved

What a joke … According to Mr. Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian minister for Human Resources, the situation of Rroma improved over the last two years in Hungary. Specifically, 50’000 Rroma have found new jobs. What he forgets to say is that these jobs are in the so-called Közmunka – or mandatory work scheme that replaced social care.

This is total BS…

School Segregation in Hungary

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School Segregation in Hungary

Hungary is fast approaching the deadline of its response to the European Commission letter on the segregation of Rroma in schools. The government is procrastinating… Janos Lazar, a prominent member of the government went as far as saying he has “no idea how the European Commission knows who is and isn’t a gypsy”. Well, if he ever set his foot in a village, and went to a school, he’d know.

Rroma Children Segregated in Schools

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The EU is saying that Rroma children are still being segregated in schools in the EU. Although the article doesn’t mention it, Hungary is at the forefront of this segregation, flowed by other ex-Austro Hungarian monarchy countries.


Before Migrants and Moslems: Rroma

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Before Migrants and Moslems: Rroma

An article about the far right movements, especially in Slovakia and Hungary, who, before they demonised Moslems and Migrants in general, were extensively anti-Rroma, and also anti-Jewish.

Hungary: Procedure against Segregation

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Hungary: Procedure against Segregation

The EU started a procedure against the segregation of schooling for Rroma in Hungary. This is good, but let’s not forget that the government openly suggests this segregation is for the good of the Rroma.

Hungary and Rroma Education

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Hungary and Rroma Education

The EU warned Hungary about the discrimination of Rroma in the country’s school system. De facto, schools are segregated and Rroma are not give a chance to Rroma. This segregation is encouraged at top level, for example by the Minister of Human Resources, Zoltan Balog.

Hungary: New Program for Rroma Women

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A new program was launched in Hungary aiming at retaining young Rroma women longer in schools. Funded with 150 Mio HUF (450’000 EUR).

This is totally hypocritical. Zoltan Balog, the minister in charge of Human Resources openly advocates segregated schools… What is being said and what is being done are two things, and they are different.

Hungary: Strasbourg Condemnation

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A Hungarian Rroma woman who was insulted and threatened during an right wing manifestation had complained that these abuses were not investigated in Hungary. The European Court in Strasbourg stated that the police should have investigated these acts, especially in view of their extreme nature (and the events in Hungary).

The events occurred in the village of Gyöngyöspata in North Eastern Hungary.