Category Archives: News Eastern Europe

Serbia and Minority Languages

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Serbia and Minority Languages

Živorad Ajdačić, a Serbian politician, said in a statement at the session of the Committee for Culture and Information of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held on January 23, 2025 questionned whether it is possible for us to have a program in the Romani language and at 7 p.m.?

Opre Roma says that “this statement represents an unacceptable act of belittling the Romani language and culture, as well as open disrespect for the Romani community, which has been an integral part of Serbian society for centuries.

Slovakia: Support for Roma Communities

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Slovakia: Support for Roma Communities

The current system of support for marginalized Roma communities has serious shortcomings, auditors propose fundamental measures. According to the auditors, unclear competencies, excessive bureaucracy in approving subsidies, lack of transparency in the area of ​​human resources and a lack of internal control mean that the funds spent do not bring the expected results.

uthern Slovenia and Roma

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uthern Slovenia and Roma

Representatives of the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia (SOS) met today in Ribnica at a regional meeting of municipalities of southeastern Slovenia. In the discussion, they highlighted primarily the social challenges in the region (read Roma integration) and the need for additional financing of municipalities from the aforementioned topic due to regional characteristics.

Slovenia: “Incident”

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Slovenia: “Incident”

Another article on the case of a social worker who was apparently attacked by a group of Roma and was sentenced to a fine of 250 Euros for having qualified a Roma as a “Monkey”.

Andrej Brečko from Mihovice near Šentjernej said “After 11 years of volunteer work in the village community and in a local initiative to solve the Roma problem, which the state should have solved long ago, I have now even received a fine for violating public order and peace – even though I was the victim of an attack by a group of Roma. “Now in the eyes of the police, I am the violator”.

Well, treating people of being monkeys casts a doubt about his view on Roma …

Roma-Czech Talent

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Roma-Czech Talent

The Roma-Czech Talent talent competition aims not only to discover and support talented participants, but also to connect different communities and bring Roma culture closer to the non-Roma audience.

“This event is not only to search for and support talents, but also to emphasize the importance of connecting people across communities. “We want to create a platform that will allow non-Roma people to get to know our culture and thus contribute to mutual understanding,” Dana Chromeková, a member of the Roma Spolek HK association, told the news server.

Slovakia: Neo-Nazis

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Slovakia: Neo-Nazis

A neo-Nazi group in Bratislava which calls itself “White Zone SS” has been terrorizing people for several months. They mainly attack foreigners and Roma. According to experts on extremism, they resemble radicals from the 90s. They differ only in one thing. They film everything on their mobile phones and publish it on social networks.

Roma Festival in Ciechocinek, Poland

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Roma Festival in Ciechocinek, Poland

The 20th Jubilee Festival of Roma Song and Culture has begun in Ciechocinek. The festival feature musicians from several countries as well as dance, and food.

Poland on the Genocide of the Roma

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Poland on the Genocide of the Roma

An article in the Wyborca paper about the genocide off the Roma during the Holocaust. This is good, as in Poland, it is largely unknown to the wide public.

Slovenia: Attack

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Slovenia: Attack

Not good for Roma. A video surfaced of two Roma attacking and beating a student at a bus stop in Novo Mesto.

Slovenia, Fascists, and Roma

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Slovenia, Fascists, and Roma

In Lonjer, a then entirely Slovenian village on the outskirts of Trieste, the fascist authorities interned six Roma and Sinti between September 1940 and September 1943. The fascists confined them there after the Italian Ministry of the Interior ordered all prefects on September 11, 1940, to register Roma who were citizens of Italy and to confine those without permanent residence.

This fact as well as others were presented by Paola Trevisan in the Gopčević Palace. The historian and anthropologist dedicated her first scientific monograph to the persecution of Roma and Sinti in fascist Italy, which she presented in Trieste as part of the events marking Holocaust Remembrance Day. The author was interviewed by historian Michele Sarfatti.

Slovakia; Social Project

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Slovakia; Social Project

A Roma activist created a project to support people who need it most. In the village of Valaská in Horehronie, close to Banská Bystrica Ivan Mako created a project that is unique in Slovakia. With a vision to help those who need it most – not only Roma, but all the socially disadvantaged, poor or disabled, regardless of race, nationality or religion, his project has been going on for years and is a flourishing business. Ten years from now, a Roma can be president, he believes.

Roma Writer

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Roma Writer

An article about the Roma writer Michal Šamko. His parents and siblings came from Svidník, but he was born in Jičín, Czech Republic, where he did not have an easy childhood. “Gypsy filth,” they shouted at him in elementary school, where there were 23 children in their class, but he was the only Roma. The biggest punishment for his classmates was not the remarks, but being seated next to him. Michal Šamko was determined to achieve something in life and in the end he succeeded.

Kosovo and Roma

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Kosovo and Roma

Sejnur Veshall of the United Roma Party said that in the future Kosovo government, the emphasis should be on the spiritual heritage of the Roma, which he said is deep and deserves a more adequate presentation to the people of Kosovo.

Wishful thinking, unfortunately …

Slovakia: Murder in School

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Slovakia: Murder in School

A sad story of a young blond Slovak who attacked classmates with a knife. Apparently everybody,  teachers, students, ignored the aggressivity of this boy, and the fact that he hated “Gyspies”, boasting having beaten some of them up.

Sad, and bad.

Slovakia, Tiso, and Holocaust

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Slovakia, Tiso, and Holocaust

In the Northern Slovakian Town of Varin, there was still a street named after Dr. Josef Tiso. A catholic priest, he served as president of the Nazi client state of Slovakia and was executed in 1947. Under his presidency, Jews but also Roma were deported and executed.

Now that the street is being renamed, locals object. Maybe some history lesson would be appropriate here?

Slovakia, Restaurants, and Discrimination

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Slovakia, Restaurants, and Discrimination

Another article about the survey of discrimination of Roma in restaurants in Slovakia. The survey came out last year, with a flurry of articles, but it is still “news” in Slovakia. Here, more on the fact that this could happen nowadays.

Well, it does.

Poznan: Closure?

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Poznan: Closure?

The Roma settlement, located on the former 23 Lutego Family Allotment Gardens at Umultowska and Lechicka streets in Poznań lies on private land. Currently, court proceedings are underway regarding the city’s adverse possession of this land from 1 September 1990.

This story has been going on for years now…

Slovakia: Monitoring the Inclusion Plan

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Slovakia: Monitoring the Inclusion Plan

The results and conclusions of the monitoring process of the Action Plans for 2023 at the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities, which are part of the Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of Roma until 2030, were discussed by more than sixty representatives of various departments and civil society, including representatives of the ZMOS.

We wonder what the conclusions are … The situation has definitively deteriorated lately.