Category Archives: Slovakia

Racism in Slovakia

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Racism in Slovakia

Marek Badžo and Darina Berková, a Roma couple, bought a house in the centre of the village of Nižná Myšla in the Košice-okolie district. Some residents didn’t like it, so they wrote a petition. They mentioned the Roma origin of the new owners and their concerns that they might be unadaptable people who would cause problems in the village.

The residents justify their position by the mayor’s long-term failure to resolve the situation in the Roma community, and they also have reservations about the way the house was sold. Meanwhile, several politicians have been involved in the events in the village, who see discrimination and segregation in the behaviour of the locals.

Well, you don’t need a Ph.D. to see that.

Roma In Slovakia

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Roma In Slovakia

To be a Rom in Slovakia is not easy. The stereotypes are  hard to overcome: poor, with many children, uneducated, not willing to work and integrate, dirty, etc.

Lana, a 28 years old Romni from a small town in eastern Slovakia who now lives abroad, founded the Instagram profile “Kamiben” to counter these stereotypes and told about her experiences as a Romni iN Slovakia. Scary, for example, a customer refused to pay for groceries because a Romni touched them. It says a lot.

Slovakia: Plenipotentiary

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Slovakia: Plenipotentiary

According to Romano Forum, the current Plenipotentiary for Roma Communities, Alexander Daško,  is failing to prevent discrimination in the policies of other ministries.

The fourth government of Robert Fico is marked by a frontal attack on civil society and the weakening of non-governmental organizations. This political trend is also being copied by the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government for Roma Communities under the leadership of Alexander Daško, who is the nominee of the Smer-SD party.

After the elections, the Office suspended the organization of the Congress of Young Roma, which was founded by Daško’s predecessor Ján Hero. It was a format that allowed young university students from excluded communities to collaborate on proposals for inclusive policies and the fight against poverty.

Bratislava: Neo-Nazis

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Bratislava: Neo-Nazis

The police have identified several people who have been going on a rampage in the centre of the capital for several months. Their victims are mainly foreigners or Roma. The group of neo-Nazis flees after the attack, they film everything on their mobile phones and publish it on social networks.

Slovakia: Discrimination

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Slovakia: Discrimination

Michal Sivák, a gifted teacher and Rom has a job in a school in Bratislava. The problem: he can’t find an apartment as his applications are rejected because he is Rom.

He now says he won’t stay in education. What a waste.

Monika Vontszemüová

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Monika Vontszemüová

She is a fashion designer, runs a fashion shop in Bratislava, and is a Romni.

Monika grew up in Bratislava in the middle of the majority. Her parent had a boutique on Obchodná Street and as a child she played near the Medical Garden. She went through her own path of acceptance and learning about Roma. “Until the beginning of elementary school, I had no idea that such a thing existed. Only then did a classmate scold me for being a gypsy. I came home and asked my mother what it was.”

Monika Vontszemüová received the Roma Spirit award for innovative contribution in fashion and fine arts.

Na Plech

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Na Plech

Extremely incorrect comedy “Na plech” is a big hit  in Czech cinemas with more that 65’000 viewers in the first week, Slovak cinemas are afraid of it. It is an extremely incorrect comedy, with uncompromising style and humor that goes beyond the limit. For example, one of the scenes features a group of Roma cooking methamphetamine.

Slovakia: Forced Sterilisations

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Slovakia: Forced Sterilisations

Officially, forced sterilisations, which were common in Czechoslovakia, ceased. But apparently not really. This article states that 110 cases of forced sterilisations have been identified and were done after 1989.


Slovakia: Support for Roma Communities

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Slovakia: Support for Roma Communities

The current system of support for marginalized Roma communities has serious shortcomings, auditors propose fundamental measures. According to the auditors, unclear competencies, excessive bureaucracy in approving subsidies, lack of transparency in the area of ​​human resources and a lack of internal control mean that the funds spent do not bring the expected results.

Slovakia: Neo-Nazis

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Slovakia: Neo-Nazis

A neo-Nazi group in Bratislava which calls itself “White Zone SS” has been terrorizing people for several months. They mainly attack foreigners and Roma. According to experts on extremism, they resemble radicals from the 90s. They differ only in one thing. They film everything on their mobile phones and publish it on social networks.

Slovakia; Social Project

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Slovakia; Social Project

A Roma activist created a project to support people who need it most. In the village of Valaská in Horehronie, close to Banská Bystrica Ivan Mako created a project that is unique in Slovakia. With a vision to help those who need it most – not only Roma, but all the socially disadvantaged, poor or disabled, regardless of race, nationality or religion, his project has been going on for years and is a flourishing business. Ten years from now, a Roma can be president, he believes.

Roma Writer

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Roma Writer

An article about the Roma writer Michal Šamko. His parents and siblings came from Svidník, but he was born in Jičín, Czech Republic, where he did not have an easy childhood. “Gypsy filth,” they shouted at him in elementary school, where there were 23 children in their class, but he was the only Roma. The biggest punishment for his classmates was not the remarks, but being seated next to him. Michal Šamko was determined to achieve something in life and in the end he succeeded.

Slovakia: Murder in School

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Slovakia: Murder in School

A sad story of a young blond Slovak who attacked classmates with a knife. Apparently everybody,  teachers, students, ignored the aggressivity of this boy, and the fact that he hated “Gyspies”, boasting having beaten some of them up.

Sad, and bad.

Slovakia, Tiso, and Holocaust

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Slovakia, Tiso, and Holocaust

In the Northern Slovakian Town of Varin, there was still a street named after Dr. Josef Tiso. A catholic priest, he served as president of the Nazi client state of Slovakia and was executed in 1947. Under his presidency, Jews but also Roma were deported and executed.

Now that the street is being renamed, locals object. Maybe some history lesson would be appropriate here?

Slovakia, Restaurants, and Discrimination

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Slovakia, Restaurants, and Discrimination

Another article about the survey of discrimination of Roma in restaurants in Slovakia. The survey came out last year, with a flurry of articles, but it is still “news” in Slovakia. Here, more on the fact that this could happen nowadays.

Well, it does.

Slovakia: Monitoring the Inclusion Plan

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Slovakia: Monitoring the Inclusion Plan

The results and conclusions of the monitoring process of the Action Plans for 2023 at the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities, which are part of the Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of Roma until 2030, were discussed by more than sixty representatives of various departments and civil society, including representatives of the ZMOS.

We wonder what the conclusions are … The situation has definitively deteriorated lately.

Slovakia and Minority Languages

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Slovakia and Minority Languages

The Slovak Act on the Use of Languages ​​of National Minorities permits the use of the minority language in official relations and at council meetings. In practise, this is not the case.

One example is the meeting of the city council in Veľké Kapušany, a town which, according to the 2021 census,  has 8,799 inhabitants, of which 32.9% of Slovaks, 53% of Hungarians, and 4.4% of Roma. There are probably more Roma, but they often declare themselves as Hungarians.

Last December the council decided to increase kindergarten fees. The debate was partly in Slovak, and partly in Hungarian. No translations provided…

Slovakia and Minorities

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Slovakia and Minorities

A blog entry saying that politicians who would like to unseat the current prime minister Fico should reach out to the Hungarian and Roma minorities of the country, as they make up to one million people. And reach out to them not just two weeks prior to the elections…

Slovakia, Settlements, and Water

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Slovakia, Settlements, and Water

A reportage on a Roma settlement in Slovakia with 3’000 residents, and only one well. Apparently, 6 water points were built with EU funds, but none of them work. Here, they say they are repeatedly damaged by vandals.

Slovakia: Brawl

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Slovakia: Brawl

A massive brawl involving roughly 60 people occurred in Krompachy, Slovakia last weekend. A dozen people were hospitalised, as they fought with sticks, shovels, and baseball bats.
