Category Archives: Ukraine

Ukrainian Roma and the Czechs

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Ukrainian Roma and the Czechs

The Czech government is denying Roma from the Ukraine who have a Hungarian passport or no Ukrainian proof of citizenship asylum. They ended up sleeping in Prague’s central railway station. Now, they will no longer be allowed to and are being put up in a tent camp. On Tuesday (May 31), they opened another temporary tent town for them, and the state offers them the opportunity to return home or to Hungary, if they also have Hungarian citizenship, free of charge. The editor of RTVS Boris Kršňák dealt with the topic at Rádiožurárna on Radio Slovakia.

Prague and Roma Refugees

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Prague and Roma Refugees

An article on the fate of Roma refugees from the Ukraine camping at the railway station in Prague. The Prague government denies them help given to Ukrainian refugees, as many of these Roma also have a Hungarian passport.

Roma Refugees – Moldova

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Roma Refugees – Moldova

In an environment where discriminatory attitudes toward Roma are widespread, Moldovan authorities have allowed – and in some cases suggested to volunteers – to prevent Roma refugees from staying in official accommodation, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.


Ukraine, Roma, Refugees

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Ukraine, Roma, Refugees

A Ukrainian summary of the Guardian article about Roma refugees from Transcarpathia. The article in which it is called a “festering crisis,” the newspaper describes how hundreds of people sleep in unsanitary conditions at the train station and asks about the actions of the Czech authorities.

“Unlike other Ukrainians who were offered refugee visas, these families found they had nowhere to go and no one needed them,” the newspaper writes.

Prague and Refugees

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The RFK and Kolektiv 115 groups convened a demonstration in support of Ukrainian Roma in front of the Czech Interior Ministry on Thursday. The organizers wanted to express that, according to them, the Czechia did not ensure basic security for all people fleeing Ukraine before the war.

Many of the Roma currently stuck in Prague’s central station have fled Ukraine but have a dual citizenship (Hungarian/Ukrainian) and are denied any help in the Czech Republic.

Dual Nationality

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Dual Nationality

The issue of the Ukrainian Roma refugees who also have a Hungarian passport but whom no one wants, starting with Hungary itself. They were granted a Hungarian passport as part of Orban’s drive to grant citizenship to Hungarian speakers in neighbouring countries, but they are not wanted.

Czech Republic and Roma

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Czech Republic and Roma

For several weeks, hundreds of Roma refugees who fled Ukraine have been refused residence permits in the Czech Republic. In Prague, dozens of families sleep on the floor of the Central Station. An open-air humanitarian crisis that led the authorities to build, last weekend, a guarded camp on the outskirts of the city for these unwanted war refugees.

German Railway and Roma

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German Railway and Roma

Another article on the discussions held between the head of the German Railway and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma on the racist events against Roma aboard trains in March. The conclusion is, there is no structural racism against Roma, just single cases …

German Trains vs. Roma

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German Trains vs. Roma

The Deutsche Bahn, the German railway company wants to sort out their bias against Roma.

About time, as they did deport quite a few of them a while back.

Ukrainian View on the Czech Decisions

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Ukrainian View on the Czech Decisions

The Czech Republic will strengthen passport control for refugees and provide assistance only to those fleeing the war and crossing the Ukrainian border.

Basically the statement is: Due to Roma, conditions are harder. The entire issue stems from the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban who gave Hungarian passports to many people in Transcarpathian Ukraine. Now, there are Roma with dual Ukrainian and Hungarian citizenship who obviously do not want to stay in Hungary…

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An article highlighting the plight of Ukrainian Roma refugees from Transcarpathia in the Czech Republic. The ones with a Hungarian passports have gone, but the ones that are still there lodge in tents in difficult circumstances.

Roma in the Czech Republic

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Roma in the Czech Republic

The treatment of Ukrainian Roma Refugees in the Czech Republic says a lot about the prevalent racism against Roma in the country.