And on why it should not be used.
- Warum “Zigeuner” ein Schimpfwort ist: Das steckt dahinter. In: Focus. 02.06.2022.
And on why it should not be used.
Well, unfortunately, not much is done about it in Germany, at least not on the internet.
An interview with Mehmet Daimagüler is Germany’s first commissioner for combating discrimination against Sinti and Roma.
Mehmet Daimaguler is the Federal Government’s first Antiziganism Commissioner. In the interview he talks about the Sinti and Roma Holocaust, about their scandalous treatment in the post-war period and about the ongoing discrimination.
Deportations of Sinti and Roma started on the 16th of May 1940. Commemorations were held in several German Länder.
On the commemoration of the deportation of Roma in Germany, a statement of the situation of Roma in the Ukraine.
Another article on the discussions held between the head of the German Railway and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma on the racist events against Roma aboard trains in March. The conclusion is, there is no structural racism against Roma, just single cases …
The Deutsche Bahn, the German railway company wants to sort out their bias against Roma.
About time, as they did deport quite a few of them a while back.
Roma are not a minority, they are Europeans.
A memorial to deported Sinti and Roma in a small German town.
The German government has adopted the concept of a Documentation Centre for Dealing with the German Occupation Regime in Europe. The monumental project is the result of many years of work and discussions about what such a place should be like.
Well, still widespread. But something is actually quite good in this survey. 90% of the respondents actually said there was racism in Germany, which is a huge step towards resolving the issue.
Racism against Sinti and Roma has a long tradition in Germany – including in science. So far, it has drawn a stereotypical picture. Now researchers who belong to the minority want to contribute their own perspective.
The process against police in Singen, Germany, for having arrested and handcuffed an 11 year old Sinto is starting. Not clear whether it will continue, as the police got cold feet and accepted the fine that was handed to them.
Too bad, as this kind of behaviour needs to be legally sanctioned.
A 93 years old German woman was sentenced to a year of jail for Holocaust denial.
How can she deny it? This is crazy.
Exactly what one doesn’t need. Two Romanian Roma families fought against each other with knives and machetes in the middle of the poshest part of Munich. 3 people were arrested for murder.
An interview of Romani Rose, chairman of the Council of German Sinti and Roma.
A bad headline to say the least: Roma families in Munich and apparently endless issues.
You’d think it was resolved long time ago.
No …
The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier asks Roma and Sinti for forgiveness, as it took way to long to recognise the Roma Holocaust and the discriminations continue.