Category Archives: Germany

Germany: Project and Exhibition

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Germany: Project and Exhibition

Around 60 youngsters from the Albert Einstein School (AES) will now be able to guide their classmates through an exhibition entitled “The Path of the Sinti and Roma”. They have been trained accordingly. The students are involved in a project called “School without Racism – School with Courage”.

Hamburg and Holocaust

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The controversy on the Documentation Centre and the memorial of the Hannover Railway station is being solved. The Documentation Centre will have its own building.

The controversy arose as the initial location of the centre was in a building shared with a company who is linked to Nazis.

Münich and Roma

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Münich and Roma

An interview with Denijen Pauljević, a young Roma author who just wrote a radio play: Munich – a cosmopolitan city with a heart? Not at all, says the young Romni Ramisa in the play. This is about anger, exclusion and the unsuccessful search for home.

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In the context of the International Roma day, two articles in the German Press.

– “Unbeliebteste Minderheit in Europa”. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 08.04.2019.
– Experte fordert Bleibeperspektive für Sinti und Roma. In: MiGazin. 09.04.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Romani Rose on 8th of April

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The chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, spoke on April 8th about the dangers of thinking along racial lines and of the dangers of extremism.

– Sinti und Roma warnen vor „völkischem Denken“. In: DLF 24. 09.04.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany and Roma

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Germany should live up to its historic responsibility towards Sinti and Roma. The Bundestag passed a corresponding government proposal. An expert panel will submit a report. Romani Rose spoke of an important step.

– Bundestag will mehr Einsatz gegen Hass auf Sinti und Roma. In: Migazin. 25.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Discrimination

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A new study shows the everyday discrimination against Roma in the region of Freiburg.

– Studie: Sinti und Roma in Freiburg werden diskriminiert. In: Fudder. 21.03.2019.–168913693.html [link-preview url=”–168913693.html”]

Germany: Concrete Steps

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The German Parliament, the Bundestag, has decided to fight Antiziganism in Germany. An expert commission will be documenting the racism and hate against Roma and Sinti in Germany and present its findings in 2021.

– Bundestag mit „Verantwortung“. In: TAZ. 22.03.2019.!5579756/
– Getrenntes Bekenntnis zu Sinti und Roma im Bundestag. In: Neue Presse. 22.03.2019.
– Bundestag stellt sich gegen Diskriminierung von Sinti und Roma. In: Domradio. 22.03.2019.
– Bundestag stellt sich mit breiter Mehrheit gegen Antiziganismus. In: Nau. 22.03.2019.
– Opposition bedauert uneiniges Votum gegen Antiziganismus. In: Wirtschaft. 22.03.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Ede and Unku

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The background to a standard book in Eastern Germany featuring a Romani girl. She existed and died in a concentration camp.

– Ede und Unku – die wahre Geschichte. In: Freie Presse. 17.03.2019. [link-preview url=”″]


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The exhibition “Rassendiagnose: Zigeuner” [Racial Diagnosis: Gypsy] can be seen in Magdebourg, Germany. It is a must see.

– Wanderausstellung „Rassendiagnose: Zigeuner“. In: Focus. 18.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Munich and Holocaust

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Events marked the commemoration of the deportation of Sinti from Munich to Auschwitz, 76 years ago.

– Sinti und Roma. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 12.03.2019.
– Deportiert in den Tod. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 14.03.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Well …

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A primary school in Hannover, Germany, is asking the government to limit the number of Roma children that they have to take. Reason behind it is that the city created a new centre for homeless people in the territory covered by the school, and moved a number of Roma there. The school is asking the city to spread the children in other schools.

– Grundschule Mengendamm möchte nicht viele Roma-Kinder aufnehmen. In: Hannoverische Allgemeine. 11.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Hamburg’s Sinti

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There are increasingly “problems” in the largest Sinti settlement in Hamburg. The settlement is a street that is exclusively housing people from an extended family. The problems are simply unpaid rents and garbage …

– „Hier wurde die letzten 30 Jahre zu viel weggeschaut“. In: Die Welt. 20.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Bavaria and Roma

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A year ago, the German State of Bavaria signed a treaty with the Sinti and Roma. Time to look back at what was achieved and what lies ahead.

– Ernüchterung nach einem Jahr. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 20.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]


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An exhibition about Sinti woman in Germany after World War Two.

– Wie aus der »Zigeunerin« eine »Sintezza« wurde. In: Gießener Allgemeine. 19.02.2019.;art71,554443 [link-preview url=”;art71,554443″]