Category Archives: Germany

More on RomArchive

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A few more articles on the opening of RomArchive …

– RomArchive – Digital Archive of the Roma. In: E-Flux. 26.01.2019.
– Romani arts and culture make online debut in new digital archive. In: The Art Newspaper. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Archive

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More press coverage on the inauguration of RomArchive.

– Kulturarchiv der Sinti und Roma Wer die Geschichte erzählt, bestimmt die Botschaft. In: Berliner Zeitung. 24.01.2019.–bestimmt-die-botschaft-31931024
– “Sie sind eigentlich die wahren Europäer”. In: RBB 24. 24.01.2019.
– Sinti und Roma erzählen jetzt ihre eigene Geschichte. Tagesspiegel. 24.01.2019. [link-preview url=”–bestimmt-die-botschaft-31931024 “]

Opening of RomArchive

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Yesterday saw the inauguration of RomArchive!

– A new digital archive of the Roma reflects diverse cultures. In: Deutsche Welle. 24.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany: Roma Holocaust

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Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recalled the crimes committed by the National Socialists against Sinti and Roma. It is good that the rightly so-called “forgotten holocaust” is getting more and more into the country.

– Erinnerung an “vergessenen Holocaust”. In: Dom Radio. 23.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Civil Rights Exhibition

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An exhibition in Germany shows a retrospective of 45 years of Roma civil right movement in that country. Open until end of the month.

– Kriminalisiert und verfolgt. In: Allgemeine Zeitung. 17.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

May she rest in peace

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Krimhilde Malinowski, a Holocaust survivor, died this week.

– Holocaust-Zeitzeugin gestorben. In: BR24. 10.01.2019.,REkaFOq
– Holocaustüberlebende Krimhilde Malinowski verstorben. In: Ha Galil. 09.01.2019. [link-preview url=”,REkaFOq “]


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A conference will dwell on the only case in Germany of a Nazi convicted of killing Roma during World War Two.

– Nächste Ausgabe der Reihe „Siegener Forum“. In: Expressi. 04.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]


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A long article about the Romni who was the model of a standard book in the DDR “Ede and Unku”. She really existed and was killed in Auschwitz in 1944.

– Kinderbuch-Klassiker “Ede und Unku”Was aus Unku wurde. Im: Spiegel Online. 02.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Zoni Weisz

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The life story of Zoni Weisz, a Dutch Sinto who was deported at the age of 7.

– „Ich bin ein Blumenkind“. In: Deutschlandfunk. 01.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Hannover and Roma

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Dreadful living conditions for some Roma families housed in containers in Hannover, waiting for a building of social flats to complete.

– Hannover: Roma müssen in menschenunwürdiger Notunterkunft leben. In: Göttinger Tageblatt. 29.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany, Children and Social care

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A new series of articles on the “abuse” of social care for children. The articles claim the abuse is actually even more widespread than originally thought.
This is bad in all cases – bad if true and bad as reported …

– Analyse “Task Force” Kindergeld. In: Abendzeitung München. 27.12.2018.
– «Task Force» Kindergeld. In: Die Harke. 27.12.2018.
– Betrug bei Sozialleistungen: Zu viel gezahltes Kindergeld soll zurückgeholt warden. In: Der neue Mann. 28.12.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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A book review of Wolfgang Freitag’s book “Der Fall Karl Horvath” who was deported in 1939 to Dachau as an “asocial” and freed from Mauthausen in 1945, but then indicted as a war criminal, judged, condemned and upon review of the case, freed in 1952.

  • Alles vergeht, doch selbst das Vergangenste vergeht nie ganz – In: Der Standard. 26.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

AfD and Roma

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The extreme right party AfD in the German state of Baden Württemberg voted against a treaty between the state and the German association of Sinti and Roma. Not suprising, unfortunately.

– AfD lehnt kontraproduktiven Sinti-und-Roma-Staatsvertrag wegen unverantwortlicher Änderungen zum Vorgänger ab. In: Presseportal. 19.12.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

A Tale of Refugees

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The story of Roma refugees in Germany who escaped deportation and have been living illegally in Germany for the last three years.

– Wie Anita in Deutschland zum Flüchtling wurde. In: Der Spiegel. 17.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

76 Years

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Commemorations in Germany in on the “Auschwitz Erlass” the deportation order for Roma and Sinti to death camps 76 years ago.
And a controversy because the AfD – whose speaker says Hitler did also good things – was not invited in Sachsenhausen …

– Gedenkfeier für Opfer des NS-Völkermordes an Sinti und Roma. In: MiGazin. 14.12.2018.
– Eklat bei Kranzniederlegung für Sinti und Roma. In: MAZ Online. 13.12.2018.
– Deutscher Bundesrat gedenkt Völkermord an Sinti und Roma. In: Tyroler Tageszeitung. 14.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Chaplin’s Secret

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On Charlie Chaplin and the inspiration to the latest Dotschy Reinhardt’s album.

– Chaplins geheime Herkunft. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur. 13.12.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Film Festival

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A Roma Film Festival in Berlin.

– Nicht mehr Fremde im eigenen Land sein. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur. 06.12.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia, the EU, and Lunik IX

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Slovakia was reprimanded in the European Parliament on its treatment of Roma in Košice and specifically in Lunik IX. Romeo Franz, MEP from Germany and Sinto said “In Košice, Roma cannot take buses on the basis of their ethnic origin and I think this is an aspect that we have to illuminate once more”. The Slovak press is not pleased to say the least.

– Europoslanec nahneval Košičanov. Podľa neho tam Rómov väznia. In: Noviny. 25.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Sachsen Anhalt and Roma Graves

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The German state of Sachsen Anhalt wants to preserve the graves of Sinti and Roma victims of the Holocaust as a reminder for future generations. In Germany, if the family doesn’t renew the concession, the graves are removed after 60 years.

– Land will Gräber der Sinti und Roma erhalten. In: RTL. 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Romeo Franz and Duisburg

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The EU MEP and Sino Romeo Franz on the integration of Roma and their presence in Duisburg, where their presence has resulted in quite a bit of controversy. He is right: the issue is racism.

– EU-Parlamentarier Franz: “Roma werden in Duisburg bleiben”. In: WAZ. 22.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]