Category Archives: Germany

Requiem for Auschwitz

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The Roma Philharmonic performed the Requiem for Auschwitz during the Wiesbaden Culture weeks.

– „Requiem für Auschwitz“ im Rahmen der Kulturwochen gegen Antiziganismus in Wiesbaden. In: Wiesbadener Kurier. 21.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Philharmonic

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After a long suspense, the Roma Philharmonic finally succeeded in playing the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in the context of the Wiesbaden weeks on Roma culture and against anti-Tsiganism.
Good that it finally worked out!

– Roma- und Sinti-Philharmoniker: ein Orchester für Millionen. In: Hessenschau 17.06.2018.–und-sinti-philharmoniker-ein-orchester-fuer-millionen,roma-sinti-philharmoniker-100.html
– Riccardo M Sahiti dirigiert am Dienstag im Staatstheater Wiesbaden das „Requiem für Auschwitz“. In: Echo Online. 17.06.2018. [link-preview url=”–und-sinti-philharmoniker-ein-orchester-fuer-millionen,roma-sinti-philharmoniker-100.html “]

Wiesbaden Culture Weeks

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Another event during the culture weeks in Wiesbaden. A speech against discrimination.

– Wiesbadener Kulturwochen gegen Antiziganismus: Rinaldo Strauß vom Landesverband Deutscher Sinti und Roma spricht über Diskriminierung. In: Wiesbadener Tagblatt. 06.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Concert and Workshop

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A workshop with school children on stereotypes and a concert in Germany with Dotschy Reinhardt.

– Klischees und Wirklichkeit von Sinti und Roma. In: SWP. 06.06.2018.
– Sinti-Klänge im historischen Spiegelsaal. In: Schwäbische. 06.06.2018.,-sinti-klänge-im-historischen-spiegelsaal-_arid,10881141.html [link-preview url=” “]


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In the context of the culture weeks in Wiesbaden, an exhibition is being held in Wiesbaden.

– Ausstellung „Der Weg der Sinti und Roma“ im Wiesbadener Stadtmuseum. In: Echo. 01.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The Khamoro Festival opened in Prague last Sunday. An exhibition on Roma was also unveiled in this context. Romani Rose, President of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma was present at the inauguration and gave a speech.

– VERDRÄNGT UND GELEUGNET: DAS SCHICKSAL DER ROMA. In: Radio Prague. 29.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A Tale

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The DDR book “Nackt unter Wölfen” [Naked among wolves] was for a long time a classic. A tale of heroic communists who liberated Buchenwald from inside, and who saved a Jewish child. The child effectively existed and survived. But survived he did because another child was sent to his death in Auschwitz. He was a Sinto.

– Welcher Junge kam nach Auschwitz? In: Die Zeit. 16.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Requiem for Auschwitz

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The Roma Philharmonic finally managed to find the funding to play the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in the context of the Weeks against Anti-Tziganism in Wiesbaden.

– Das Requiem der Sinti und Roma ist gesichert. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 15.05.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Djudjevan in Berlin

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The Berlin police intervened last Sunday in a park after finding a group of Roma roasting entire lambs on a spit for Djudjevan. They had to leave but other than that, no further actions were taken. The Roma were from Croatia and Bosnia.

– Romi iz BiH in Hrvaške so kar sredi berlinskega parka postavili žar in si pekli ovce. In: Reporter. 09.05.2018.
– Sredi Berlina skupina Romov pekla jagenjčke na ražnju. In: Primorske Novice. 08.05.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Ede and Unku

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A German Sinto, a distant relative of Unku, a Sintica who died in Auschwitz, recently wrote the continuation the book Ede and Unku. That book told the story of a friendship between a worker and a Sintica and was forbidden by the Nazis in 1933.

– Die wahre Geschichte von Ede und Unku. In: Deutschlandrundfunk. 07.05.2018.
– Das letzte Kapitel Unkus qualvoller Tod in Auschwitz. In: Berliner Zeitung. 07.05.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Roma und Sinti Philharmonic

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A concert of the Roma Philharmonic was a public hit. Unfortunately, a collect by the ensemble in order to be able to perform during the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in Wiesbaden is still missing 8’000 EUR.
Please look at the second article and help!

– „Roma- und Sinti-Philharmoniker“ begeistern rund 300 Zuhörer. In: GN Online. 30.04.2018.
– Spenden für Konzert. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 30.04.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Leni Riefenstahl

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The archives of Leni Riefenstahl – Hitler’s favourite filmmaker – are being made public. She filmed the Berlin Olympics, the Nuremberg Nazi events, and also did a move on Roma.

– Leni Riefenstahl archive to throw new light on Hitler’s film-maker. In: The Guardian. 24.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Europe Burns …

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An article in the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma about the recurring attacks against Roma in Europe.

– Europa brennt. In: Zentralrat Sinti und Roma. 25.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Berlin Squat

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An article about a squat in Berlin that was recently closed. The Roma who lived there were evacuated. This article is actually quite good as the fault for the dire state of the property are pushed towards the owner rather than, as usual, towards Roma.

– Haus geräumt, Horror beendet? In: Die Zeit. 17.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Bad …

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A bad article: A German whose house in Mallorca was occupied by Roma, who transformed it into a thieves’ nest. He finally managed to remove them from his property after several months.
Why is it bad: Well, it certainly feeds the stereotypes.

– Hamburger erobert seine Villa von Hausbesetzern zurück. In: Die Welt. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Written by the son of Damian Le Bas who recently died, an article about the first Roma biennale held in Berlin in the Maxim Gorki Theatre.

– Celebrating Romani art and culture at the first Roma Biennale. In: Apollo Magazine. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma, Serbia, and Germany

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A German politician goes to Serbia to see the situation for himself. Well, it is bad in the “safe” country of Serbia for Roma. And people who are sent back are in a really bad position.

– Kretschmann in Serbien in heikler Mission. In: Schwäbische Politik. 19.04.2018.,-kretschmann-in-serbien-in-heikler-mission-_arid,10855163.html [link-preview url=”,-kretschmann-in-serbien-in-heikler-mission-_arid,10855163.html”]

Roma Philharmonic

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The European Roma and Sinti Philharmonic is seeking funds in order to be able to perform in Wiesbaden, Germany, during the week against Antitsiganism. They are seeking 30’000 Euros.

– Sinti- und Roma-Konzert auf der Kippe. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 18.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Erdogan and Roma …

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After having had Roma evicted from several places (to be transformed in real estate for his party friends), after having had the police beat them up, the Turkish president Erdogan now seems to be courting them. He is certainly using Roma to criticise Germany.

– Le président Erdogan accueille les citoyens Roms dans le Complexe présidentiel. In: TRT. 11.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Roma Biennale

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A report of the first Roma Biennale in Berlin in the Maxime Gorki Theatre.

– 1. Roma Biennale: Gypsy Eyes. In: Artmagazine. 10.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]