Category Archives: Germany

Germany and Bulgaria

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Stolipinovo is the largest “mahala” or Roma neighbourhood in Plovdiv. Many of its residents are now working on a regular basis in Germany – generally short term manual work in construction. And this has an influence on Stolipinovo itself. A story of two worlds!

– How the ‘Germans’ are changing the largest Roma enclave in Europe. In: Deutsche Welle. 08.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]


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Several Romnja are fighting prejudice through art, be it acting or other means. They all will participate in the first Roma Biennale opening this week end at the Maxim Gorki theatre in Berlin.

– Not just housewives and whores: Roma women fight prejudice with art. In: Reuters. 05.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

New Portal on Sinti and Roma

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The Documentation Centre of the Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg just opened a new web portal on the history of the minority, with a focus on Holocaust and on the continuing discrimination in post-war Germany.

– Webportal dokumentiert Geschichte der Sinti und Roma. In: DlF24. 03.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

First Roma Biennale

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The Berlin theatre “Maxim Gorki” will open the first Roma Biennale on April 7th. The Biennale will showcase Roma artists and will also organise a Roma Parade through Berlin on April 8th, the International Roma Day.

– Maxim Gorki Theater Erste Roma Biennale startet in Berlin. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. 02.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Nazif Mujić

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A commemoration of the life of Nazif Mujić who won a prize at the Berlin Film festival and died recently in utter poverty and a reflection on the current situation of Roma in the Balkans.

– Roma in the Balkans: the story of Nazif. In: Ossevatore Balcanico e Caucaso. 27.03.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany and Racism

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Antiziganism is still unknown to many people in Germany, in contrast to anti-Semitism. Ruhan Karakul, the counsellor of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg, wants to counteract this. The lawyer of Turkish roots was a guest at the “Haus der Begegnung” on Friday afternoon, where she was welcomed as speaker by Ahment Sezer during the International Week Against Racism.

– Rassismus ist allgegenwärtig. In: Westphalische Nachrichten. 26.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Roma

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Another article about the perception of Sinti and Roma among Germans and the fact that the former still feel unwelcome. An exhibition and conferences thematise this situation.

– Ablehnung spüren sie bis heute. In: Die Norddeutsche. 20.03.2018.,-ablehnung-spueren-sie-bis-heute-_arid,1712229.html [link-preview url=”,-ablehnung-spueren-sie-bis-heute-_arid,1712229.html”]

Germany: Protests

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There were protests at the airport in Baden, Germany after the deportation of 34 Roma on March 15th to Kosovo. The protests last Wednesday were aimed at further deportations this time to Serbia and Macedonia.

– Humanitäres Bleiberecht für Sinti und Roma erneut einfordern. In: Radio Dreieckland. 22.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: How do Sinti and Roma Live?

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How do the 2’500-3’000 Sinti and Roma in Freiburg currently live? Reflections on what has changed and on what may change.

– Wie leben Sinti und Roma heute in Freiburg? In: badische Zeitung. 15.03.2018.–150433385.html [link-preview url=”–150433385.html”]

1st Roma Biennale

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The Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin is showcasing the first Roma Biennale April 7th to 10th.
Here the trailer, the Facebook page, and the Facebook page of the Maxim Gorki Theatre.

– [link-preview url=” “]

Germany: Discrimination

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Representatives of the Sinti and Roma have complained against discrimination on Thursday to the Berlin House of Representatives. They say that despite the action plan decided in 2013 they are still discriminated against and socially disadvantaged. This is especially the case when looking for a job or a flat, where they hardly have a chance.

– Sinti und Roma beklagen anhaltende Diskriminierung. In: RBB 24. 15.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A Testimony

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The story of a young 23 year old Sintica who was deported 75 years to Auschwitz told by one of his family. She did not survive.

– Im Viehtransporter nach Auschwitz: So erlebte das Sinti-Mädchen Unku den Nazi-Terror. In: Focus. 12.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Munich: Commemoration

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The city of Munich commemorated the deportation of 150 Sinti to Auschwitz 75 years ago. The police was heavily involved in these deportations and knew what was going on.
May they rest in peace.

– So half die Münchner Polizei bei der Ermordung von Sinti und Roma. In; Süddeutsche Zeitung. 12.03.2018.
– Gedenken an 75 Jahre Deportation von Sinti und Roma. In: Sonntagsblatt. 13.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

More articles …

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More articles on the commemorations of the mass deportation of Roma and Sinti from Germany to Auschwitz 75 years ago.

– Endstation Auschwitz: Als Sinti und Roma von Bremen in den Tod geschickt wurden. In: Buten un Binnen. 08.03.2018.
– Gedenkveranstaltung erinnert an Völkermord an Sinti und Roma. In: Focus. 04.03.2018.
– Deportiert, ermordet und vergessen. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 06.03.2018.
– Gedenkfeier für deportierte Sinti und Roma am Wiesbadener Mahnmal. In; Wiesbadener Kurier. 09.03.2018.
– Gedenken an die März-Deportationen von Sinti und Roma. In: Stuttgart. 09.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

75 Years Ago

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The Roma camp of Berlin Marzahn, one of the first camp established by the Nazis for Roma in 1936 was closed 75 years ago and most of its inmates were sent to their death to Auschwitz.
March 1943 saw many Roma and Sinti deported to death camps all over Germany.
May they rest in peace.

– Vor 75 Jahren begann die Deportation der Sinti und Roma aus Marzahn. In: Berliner Woche.
– “… durch die Polizei abgeholt”. In: TAZ. 06.03.2018.!5486300/ [link-preview url=” “]

Bergen Belsen: Remembrance

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Roughly 120 people gather in Bergen Belsen to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the deportation of the Roma and Sinti to Auschwitz.

– 120 Gäste gedenken in Bergen-Belsen der Deportation der Sinti und Roma. 04.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Roma have been in German lands since 1418. Apparently, this is not quite sufficient to be a “true” German or definitively not a “good” one…

– Roma and Sinti: Germans for centuries, but still considered outsiders. In: The Local. 26.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Movies and Roma …

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A conference on the theme of Antitziganism and Movies started in Berlin on Wednesday, February 21st. The conference was convened on the back of the controversy of the German television movie “Nelly’s Adventures” which depicted Roma in a negative and stereotypical way. These stereotypes are all too often present in movies as soon as Roma are present. This needs to stop.

– ANTIZIGANISMUS IM FILM: DIE PRODUKTION VON RASSISTISCHEN STEREOTYPE. In: Belltower News. 22.02.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

More on Frankfurt

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The story of the stamp and the note on the passport of a Romni from Romania continues to feed the news. It made it to the Romanian news, where they noted that the German administration effectively defaced property of the Romanian State (yes, the passport). It continues to get coverage in Germany, as it is all too reminiscent of practices of the Nazis.

– Bedenkliche Vermerke in Pässen: Will Frankfurt obdachlose Roma-Migranten vertreiben? In: Sputnik. 21.02.2018.
– Ţigani români, în centrul unui nou SCANDAL: Riscă expulzarea din Germania – ‘Comportament scandalos’. In: Stiripesurse. 22.02.2018.–in-centrul-unui-nou-scandal–risca-expulzarea-din-germania—-comportament-scandalos-_1250381.html [link-preview url=” “]