Category Archives: Germany

Germany: Trial

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The case made the headlines. A boy disappeared in Berlin, was abused and eventually killed. Horrible story.
The process here goes against a person who was a member of a facebook page “looking for Elias” and who took the opportunity to write (sic.) “Dirty Roma, these miscarriages of incest, also steal children”. He is in court for incitation to racial hatred.

– Prozess der Woche Der Hetzer, der im Fall Elias Sinti und Roma böswillig beschimpfte. In: Berliner Zeitung. 08.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Aussenlager …

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An article on the so-called “Aussenlager” – the small camps affiliated with a major Concentration Camp but who have been largely forgotten or kept under silence since the end of the War.
This is bad, as this is one of the common places where crimes were committed.

– Vom Erinnern und Vergessen: das KZ-Außenlager in Heppenheim. In: Echo. 06.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Orban in Germany

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Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister, visited the German CSU at the Monastery of Seeon in Bavaria. While they report the critique about that visit, the paper also mentions that Orban did a housing project for Roma in Mohacs, a small town in the South of Hungary. That was a fig leaf project and let’s be clear, Orban policies are not pro-Roma.

– Orbán genießt auch in Mohács Rückhalt. In: Manheimer Morgen. 06.01.2018.,-bergstrasse-orbán-geniesst-auch-in-mohács-rueckhalt-_arid,1176837.html [link-preview url=”,-bergstrasse-orbán-geniesst-auch-in-mohács-rueckhalt-_arid,1176837.html”]

Many Don’t Say They Are Roma

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In an Interview, Erich Schneeberger, the chairman of the Bavarian Association of Sinti and Roma says that many simply don’t say that they are Sinti or Roma in Germany.
Not a surprise, unfortunately.

– “Viele verschweigen, dass sie Sinti oder Roma sind”. In: Bayrische Staatszeitung. 05.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Saul Friedlander

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The writer and Hamburg native Saul Friendlander is interviewed in the context of the inauguration on the 27th of December of a monument on the site of the Hannover railway station. From this place, more than 8’000 Jews, Roma, Sinti and others were sent to their death. Saul Friedlander survived.
He is afraid of the increased denial of the Holocaust. So are we.

– “Meine Heimat ist meine Geschichte”. In: Der Spiegel. 27.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A View from a Sintica

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What does it mean to grow up in Germany as a Sintica… And what stereotypes one is exposed to.

– masala 11 – „Ich habe gedacht, du wohnst im Wohnwagen“ In: Masala Magazin. 17.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A View from a Sintica

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What does it mean to grow up in Germany as a Sintica… And what stereotypes one is exposed to.

– masala 11 – „Ich habe gedacht, du wohnst im Wohnwagen“ In: Masala Magazin. 17.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Voluntary Return

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The rate of voluntary returns in Germany has drastically decreased during the year. Germany is still deporting Roma refugees from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and even Kosovo back to their countries following the declaration of these as “safe countries”.
Safe maybe, but not necessarily for Roma.

– Die Zahl der freiwilligen Ausreisen geht stark zurück. In: MDR Aktuell. 22.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Sido Movie

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The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma likes Sido’s movie “A bride seldom comes alone” and invited the Rapper to a conference on antitsiganism.

– Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma mag den aktuellen Film des Rappers. In: Stimme. 21.12.2017.;art136657,3959727 [link-preview url=”;art136657,3959727″]

Theatre Critique

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While discussing the latest European Theatre price, there is a critique of a play called “Roma Armee Fraktion” which made the headlines in Berlin and in Austria.

– Europäischer Theaterpreis: Gibt es kein revolutionäres, echtes Theater mehr? In: Die Presse. 19.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

75 Years Ago

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An article in English on the Auschwitz laws issued by Himmler that started the deportation and Holocaust for Sinti and Roma.

– Remembering Himmler’s ‘Auschwitz decree’ to exterminate Roma and Sinti. In: Deutsche Welle. 16.12.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

75 Years Ago

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Seventy-five years ago, the Nazis issued the Auschwitz laws (Auschwitz Erlass) which gave the order for the deportation of Sinti and Roma and sent them to their death.
This day is being commemorated across Germany.

– Bundesrat erinnert an Holocaust an Sinti und Roma. In: Deutsche Welle. 15.12.2017.
– Gestern ist heute und morgen. In: TAZ. 15.12.2017.!5467795/
– Gedenken: Das Schicksal der Sinti und Roma. In: Nordbayrischer Kurier. 15.12.2017.
– Gedenken an ermordete Sinti und Roma in der Nazizeit. In: Deutschlandfunk. 15.12.2017.
– Landeshauptstadt gedenkt ermordeten Sinti und Roma. In: Westdeutsche Zeitung. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]


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We will not leave this country to the Nazis. It is our country too!
An appeal from Romani Rose, chariman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

– [link-preview url=””]

75 Years Ago

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On December 16th, a commemoration on the 75th anniversary of the “Auschwitz Decree” by Hermann Goering ordering the deportation and thus annihilation of the Sinti and Roma will be held on the site of the former Sachsenhausen camp.

– Gedenken an ermordete Sinti und Roma. In: ND. 11.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Study on Reparation

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A study and an Interview with a researcher who looked into the policies of the German state regarding reparations for Roma and Sinti after 1945 in Germany.
Needless to say, the picture is not pretty.

– Sinti und Roma: „Nicht aus Gründen der Rasse verfolgt“? In: Badische Nachricten. 10.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

More on Sido

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Many more articles about Sido and the movie “A Bride Seldom Comes Alone”.

– «Ich bin auch gutmütig». In: Berner Zeitung. 05.12.2017.
– Rapper und Schauspieler Sido: “Ich habe Sinti-Wurzeln”. In: Berliner Morgenpost. 06.12.2017.
– Rapper Sido spielt Hauptrolle in ARD-Komödie ‘Eine Braut kommt selten allein’. In: VIP. 07.12.2017.
– Eine Braut kommt selten allein. In: Stern. 06.12.2017.
– Sido wird TV-Star: “Familie ist wichtiger als mein Job”. In: Der Kurrier. 04.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Sido Movie

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A movie called “A Bride Seldom Comes Alone” where the German Sinto Rapper Sido plays one of the main characters.
The movie uses quite a few clichés – large families, migrants, etc. – and for that reason it is already the source of controversy.

– Eine Braut kommt selten allein. In: Fous. 06.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany – A Bavarian Treaty?

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The Social Democrats (SPD) in the Bavarian Parliament are asking for a formal treaty between the State of Bavaria and the Sinti and Roma, as a sign of the responsibilities of the state and as a mean to fight racism and discrimination.

– SPD will Staatsvertrag mit Sinti und Roma im Frühjahr 2018. In: Die Welt. 05.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Sido on Sido

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The German Rapper Sido about himself and his Sinti Roots.

– Rapper Sido: „Mir ist egal, was die Leute denken“. In: Neue Presse. 04.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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An article on the shantytowns of Europe, from Madrid to Stockholm, by way of Paris, Berlin, Rome.
Bad. But could be easily solved If one wanted to.

– Le retour des bidonvilles en Europe. In: RFI. 29.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]