Category Archives: Germany

Otto Pankok

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An article about the Sinto painter Otto Pankok who made hundreds of paintings and drawings depicting the murderous madness of the Nazi regime.
A must see.

– Menschlich bleiben in unmenschlicher Zeit. In: Deutschlandradio Kultur. 20.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]


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Germany has many dishes that are called “Zigeuner” or Gypsy. There have been calls to change these names. A restaurant owner in Wiesbaden indeed did this: Instead of Zigeunerschnitzel – a Gypsy steak – he re-labelled it “Sinti und Roma Schnitzel” – Sinti and Roma Steak. He now has a racism complaint against him.

– Wiesbadener Wirt nennt “Zigeunerschnitzel” um. In: Focus Online. 17.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: More on the Nazi in the Justice Ministry

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More articles and reaction on the high number of Nazi party members and officials in the rows of the Justice Ministry, something which prevented justice to victims of the Holocaust, and protected criminals…

– „Die Akte Rosenburg ist bedrückend“ In: Welt. 10.10.2016.
– Wie Alt-Nazis das Justizministerium prägten. In: Handelsblatt. 10.10.2016.
– taz-Kommentar von Klaus Hillenbrand über alte Nazis im Bundesjustizministerium. In: Finanznet. 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=”

Mare Manuschenge – Our People

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Romeo Franz, a Sinto musician and politician in Germany has composed and presented for the first time his new composition – Mare Manuschenge [our people], a piece devoted to the victims of the Holocaust. He played yesterday in the long night of the museums, presenting other pieces by famous Sinti composers, among which Schnuckenack Reinhardt and of course also Django.

– Politik mit der Violine. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 13.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

If you ever Wondered …

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In case you ever wondered why Rroma were not recognised as Holocaust victims for a long time or why generally prosecution of war crimes in Germany was slow after the war, here is why …
The German Federal Justice Ministry was full of Nazi party members, in fact the overall majority.

– ‘Rosenburg File’ exposes Nazi influence in postwar Germany. In: Irish Times. 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Heidelberg: Rroma Exhibition

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A large exhibition of work from Rroma artists is taking place in Heidelberg’s castle. It is organised by the Künstlerbund und Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma, and the gallery Galerie Kai Dikhas from Berlin is also participating.

– Sinti- und Roma-Künstler stellen mit Künstlerbund Heidelberg im Ottheinrichsbau aus. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 11.10.2016.,-Sinti-und-Roma-Kuenstler-stellen-mit-Kuenstlerbund-Heidelberg-im-Ottheinrichsbau-aus-_arid,227378.html [link-preview url=”,-Sinti-und-Roma-Kuenstler-stellen-mit-Kuenstlerbund-Heidelberg-im-Ottheinrichsbau-aus-_arid,227378.html”]

Germany, Bulgaria, and Prostitution

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The story of a Bulgarian Rromni forced into prostitution by Bulgarian men – ethnicity not specified. Sad but this unfortunately happens. Let’s hope the men will be condemned appropriately.

– 19-Jährige flüchtet aus Zwangsprostitution. In: 08.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Stumbling Stones

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There are 33 new Stumbling Stones in Köln, among them one commemorating the deportation of Rroma and Sinti.

– 33 neue Stolpersteine in Köln, In: Köln Nachrichten. 07.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Babi Yar

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Germany’s president visited Babi Yar on the anniversary of the start of the massacre.
After this initial shooting of Jews, many Rroma were also executed there.
May they all rest in peace.

– Babyn Yar: Germany remembers victims. In: DW. 29.09.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Romani Rose: Thanks!

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Romani Rose thanked Angela Merkel for her policy on refugees and greeted the creation of a new institute for Roma art and culture in Berlin.- Romani Rose bedankt sich bei Kanzlerin Merkel begrüßt Einrichtung eines Roma Instituts. In: Berliner Zeitung. 27.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially recognised and honoured Romani Rose’s life work for Sinti and Rroma. Born in 1946, he relentlessly fought for the recognition and the rights of Sinti and Rroma.
Well Done!

– Anerkennung von Sinti und Roma: Romani Rose für Lebensleistung geehrt. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 29.08.2016.,-Anerkennung-von-Sinti-und-Roma-Romani-Rose-fuer-Lebensleistung-geehrt-_arid,224701.html
– Ausgegrenzt: Roma und Sinti. In: WAZ. 28.09.2016. [link-preview url=”,-Anerkennung-von-Sinti-und-Roma-Romani-Rose-fuer-Lebensleistung-geehrt-_arid,224701.html”]

Romani Rose: Scheuer is Racist

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The president of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, accused Andreas Scheuer, the general Secretary of the CSU in Germany of racism. Scheuer has proposed to give preference to give preference to Christian refugees and migrants.
Romani Rose rightly accuses him of playing with “racist resentment” which is extremely dangerous.

– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wirft Scheuer Rassismus vor. In: Focus. 26.09.2016.
– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wirft Scheuer Rassismus vor. In: Schwäbische. 26.09.2016.,-Zentralrat-der-Sinti-und-Roma-wirft-Scheuer-Rassismus-vor-_arid,10534114.html [link-preview url=”

Germany: Camp Closed

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An illegal Rroma camp was closed in Germany near Kassel. Most of the residents were from Bulgaria and Romania.

– Stadt räumt illegalen Zeltplatz: Rumänen und Bulgaren hatten dort ihr Quartier. In: HNA. 23.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Culture Weeks in Manheim

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Manheim currently hosts the third culture week of Rroma and Sinti – RomnoKher.
In this context, the mayor of Herboltzheim, Ernst Schilling, was awarded a prize for his engagement for Roma and Sinti.
More of it, please.

– Bürgermeister Ernst Schilling wird für sein Engagement für Sinti und Roma geehrt. In: Badische Zeitung. 23.09.2016.–127506500.html [link-preview url=”–127506500.html”]

Münich: Exhibition on the Persecution of Sinti and Rroma

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An exhibition on the persecution of Sinti and Rroma will open in Munich on October 27th and will continue until the end of January 2017.

– München · Sonderausstellung ab 27. Oktober: Die Verfolgung der Sinti und Roma. In: München Wochen Anzeiger. [link-preview url=””]

Irish Tinkers – in Germany

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Irish Tinkers – in Germany

This time, not Rroma… A large group of Irish tinkers has been camping in Hessen. Not a usual sight to see them that far off from their country of origin.

Czech Survivors: So little – So late…

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Czech Survivors: So little – So late…

Germany will pay 2’500 Euro to Czech Rroma Holocaust survivors. Knowing how many effectively survived (actually almost no Czech Rroma did survive, most Rroma in the Czech Republic are originally from Slovakia, having been moved there by the communists right after the war) and the time passed, this is not going to ruin Germany.

It is almost an insult…