Czech Republic: Okamura

The Czech MP and leader of an extreme right party Tomio Okamura cast doubts about the events that occurred in the Roma Camp of Lety: On the Holocaust Remembrance Day, he stated in an interview on television the camp was not fenced in and people could walk in our out.
Well, Mr. Okamura should get his fact rights, and he should be prosecuted for Holocaust Denial.
Note that on the picture here, he is in good company ….

– Czech MP marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day by doubting what happened at Romani genocide site. In: 30.01.2018.
– Múzeum rómskej kultúry žiada verejné ospravedlnenie od Tomia Okamuru. In: Aktuality. 29.01.2018.
– Museum asks Okamura to apologise for words on Lety camp. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 30.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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