Another incident in a run-down housing estate in Krupka, Czech Republic. About 500 Roma manifested in the estate, claiming children had been sexually harassed by foreigners. According to Romea, initially the manifestation was not against Ukrainians, many protested against them.
The parents deposited a formal complaint with the police.
Interestingly enough, the news in the Czech Press do not mention sexual harassment, but rather that the children had been locked up in the cellar by drunk people.
Bad in any case.
- V Krupce se shromáždilo asi 500 Romů, kteří volali po větší bezpečnosti. Rodiče dětí, které měly být sexuálně obtěžovány, podali trestní oznámení. In: Romea. 18.07.2023.
- Šílené emoce. Někdo ležel na zemi, děti řvaly, říká ke konfliktu romský předák. In: I Dnes. 18.07.2023.