Education, Corruption, and More

Rastislav Trnka, in early July, the president of Kosice Self-governing, filed a criminal complaint regarding a bribe he was offered and for the intimidation he has been subjected to related to the mismanagement of funds in the case of an education program in Sečovcia, which belongs to the Unesco School in Dobšin. Trnka said the operation of program was too costly for the region and there were suspicions of breaching the law. It is unfortunately a program aimed at integrating Roma …

– Trnka o elokovanom pracovisku v Sečovciach: “Nechcem zrušiť vzdelávania pre Rómov. Prekáža mi množstvo porušení zákona a plytvanie peniazmi nás všetkých”. In: Hlavne Spravy. 24.08.2018.
– Keď rozum nepustí… In: HN Kommentare. 24.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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