French Chronicle …

Our usual summary of what is going on in France regarding Rroma… In the North, the mayor of Wissous orders the closure of the Rroma camp; a squat where Rroma lived was closed in Bordeaux; in Creteil, Rroma living in the old buildings of the cemetarry’s undertaker have to leave; in the South, a mayor states that “not only Rroma are engaged in uncivil activities”; in Amiens, one of three escaped criminals (two Moldavians and a Rromanian) surrendered – and a commentary states “all the roads lead to Rroma” – even though nothing in the article states they are Rroma; garbage was removed from the site of a Rroma camp near Paris; in Lyon, discussions are ongoing about lodging homeless and Rroma; and finally a fire in a Rroma camps that only provoked several articles as it closed a major highway near Paris.