French Chronicle …

Not surprising in view of the current protests in France, the Roma are not on the front pages…
First, two occasions to see the documentary “8 Avenue Lenine” in Paris. Not to be missed.
Then, the usual litany: Annecy pondering whether to close a camp or first find a decent lodging for its residents (really????); in Grenoble, 15 families are threatened with expulsion; and in the Vosges, a family is expulsed, and alternate lodgement is refused (which is illegal in France).

– Documentaire “8, avenue Lénine” : 2 projections à Paris en janvier 2019. In: Respect Mag. 18.12.2018.
– Annecy : camp de roms des Ilettes, démanteler tout de suite ou reloger d’abord ? In: Le Dauphiné. 18.12.2018.
– Quinze familles roms menacées d’expulsion à Fontaine, agglomération de Grenoble. In: France Info. 19.12.2018.
– Saint-Dié-des-Vosges : une famille de roms expulsée, le 115 refuse de les reloger. In: Vosges Matin. 21.12.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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