Not much this week in France. In Western France, in Angers, the authorities are asking themselves how to resolve the issue of 4 Roma camps in the city. Well, for 400 people, this should not be really complicated … An event in Brittany with Roma music and initiation to Romanes was organised in collaboration with a Roma association. Then the more usual: Near Paris, a camp will probably be closed and also near Paris, a squat in a former police building was evacuated.
- Comment résorber les camps de Roms dans l’agglomération ? In: Angers Loire Métropole. 14.04.2023.
- À Plouray, une soirée festive à la découverte de la culture rom. In: Le Télégramme. 11.04.2023.
- Le camp de Roms installé près de la gare de Houilles bientôt évacué ? In: 14.04.2023.
- Squat sur le plateau de Saclay : les familles roms évacuées de l’ancien site de formation de la police. In: Le Parisien. 12.04.2023.