French Chronicle …

Surprisingly positive chronicle this week in the French press. Yes there were a few expulsions – mostly travelers, the odd criminal case, but the bulk of articles this week was more on integration and insertion.

First, two articles from Libération, one on the so-called insertion village near Lyon where Rroma are housed and helped to integrate and in the second case, about a young Rrom who now goes to school; then a meeting against “Rromophobia” in Orléans, in Western France and a conference on Rroma in Brittany which will take place in June; an article on the Rroma resistance day; and finally a view on discrimination presented by its young victims.

Then, the more standard things: Expulsions of travelers (note that now one starts speaking about Rroma in this context) in Western France, near Paris, and in Grenoble; and the arrest of two Rroma thieves near Paris.