French Chronicle …

Almost no news this week in France on Rroma… In Paris, on the tracks of the former “petite ceinture” railways, the camps are waiting for the ruling that will most probably see them dismantled for the second time in as many years; in the South, a “western” about prostitution – on a regional road where many prostitutes wait for their clients, who are now criminal under French law; the story of the cheap modular village thought by students goes one; and finally, associations denouncing the stereotypes that are propagated by politicians and the Press. This is good for a change.

– Les bidonvilles de la petite ceinture à nouveau en sursis. In: Le Parisien. 12.01.2017.
– Prostitution : les gendarmes à la chasse aux clients sur la route D609. In: L’OBS. 15.01.2017.
– Le « village modulaire » toujours à l’étude. In: Le Parisien. 12.01.2017.
– Pauvreté : les associations dénoncent les préjugés relayés par les politiques. In: L’OBS. 09.01.2017.

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