French Chronicle …

Holidays are over, and Roma are back in the news … In Angers, in Western France, a camp will probably dismantled; in Nantes, the municipality is voting an action plan for Roma; in Salliers; a Nazi Swastika was painted on the site of the former Roma concentration camp; in Montreuil. 13 families are still on the street, one year after having been expulsed; in Paris, on the Porte de la Chapelle, the 35th expulsion (yes) just took place; near Paris, an illegal dump is allegedly created by Roma; in the North, in Lille, people bemoan the insecurity with beggars and others near the railway station; and finally, in Strasbourg, there is a potential case of tuberculosis in a camp.

– Angers Le camp des Roms menacé d’expulsion rue du Maine. In: Le Courrier de l’Ouest. 17.08.2017.
– Nantes Métropole Un plan d’action pour les Roms. In: Presse Océan. 17.08.2017.
– Elle est où, l’horreur? In: Médiapart. 19.08.2017.
– Montreuil, épicétout. In: Médiapart. 17.08.2017.
– Porte de la Chapelle: c’est la 35ème évacuation! In: Médiapart. 18.08.2017.
– Carrières-sous-Poissy – Triel : la plaine transformée en vaste décharge à ciel ouvert. In: Le Parisien. 16.08.2017.
– L’insécurité autour de la gare Lille-Flandres inquiète riverains et commerçants. In: Nord Éclair. 14.08.2017.
– Strasbourg : suspicion d’un cas de tuberculose dans un camp de migrants. In: FR3 Grand Est. 14.08.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

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