Gens du Voyage …

The lack of news on Rroma in France is more than compensated by the number of articles on the Gens du Voyage – Travellerr, who are represented as criminals, undesirable, and generally as not integrated.

First, news about several camps of Travellers, in Saint Laurent de Mure, in Argentan, near Verdun, near Reims, close to Paris and in the West; and several discussions on or about camping spot for travellers in Niort, in Perros, in Indres et Loire, in the North, in Samois, in the park of a castle; and finally two more positive things – an interpellation of a minister in the parliament, and a discussion about the sedentarisation in Limoges.

After the camps, crime … And there the list is long. Police hunted away from a camp in Vernouillet near Paris; arrests in Toulouse and investigation nearby; some stolen goods found in the South West; 22 cars damaged near Toulouse; shots in a camp near Paris; three Romanians condemned in the South East; a Rrom sentenced for having shown a fingers to Valls; Police searching for witnesses in a series of burglaries in the North; and finally, a not so clever thief…