Germany: NPD Poster

More noise on the extreme rightist party (NPD) on their election poster “Geld für die Oma statt für Sinti and Roma” [Money for Grandma instead for Sinti and Roma]. The Prosecutor has stopped the enquiries into the posters, as they cannot determine who hung it … REALLY? They know who printed it without doubts.
The German Central Council of Sinti and Roma has vehemently protested.

– Ermittlungen zu umstrittenem NPD-Wahlplakat eingestellt: In: Die Welt. 24.01.2018.
– Sinti und Roma kritisieren Einstellung von NPD-Strafverfahren. Fehlende Anhaltspunkte? In: Domradio. 23.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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