Is one allowed to say “Gypsy” or “Zigeuner”?

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The Stern wrote an article on the usage of the word “Zigeuner” [Gypsy] and the controversy on that topic that arose in the last few weeks. They refer to the discussion the TV discussion panel “Hart aber Fair” [Hard but fair] on the topic burglaries. During that discussion, some of the participants used the terms of “Zigeunertrick” [Gypsy trick] or of “Zigeunerkönig” [Gypsy king] whereby a discussion followed on the use of the word Zigeuner. This is reminiscent of the discussion in the TAZ (see blog post on this topic) on that very same question. Here, the Stern states that the word is used by Rroma in many countries, and cites Rolf Bauerdick on that topic, and adds that the word is also fraught with shame. They also add with a somewhat twisted logic, that the term “Roma and Sinti” is false. Their main claim is that the new arrivals in Germany are certainly not Sinti. But they miss the point that Sinti, like all the other groups are also Rroma …