Kosovo, Refugees and Lead

Another article about the lead poisoning suffered by many Roma refugees in Kosovo after having been parked by the UN in a camp build on a toxic waste dump. This has been going on for years and the UN has not done anything yet.

– LES MEHMETI, UNE FAMILLE ROM CONTAMINÉE AU PLOMB. In: Kosovox. 06.07.2017. http://kosovox.com/les-mehmeti-une-famille-rom-contaminee-au-plomb/
– Roma in Kosovo: ‘My children are poisoned by lead’. In: Al Jazeera. 19.06.2017. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/05/roma-kosovo-children-poisoned-lead-160524060039653.html [link-preview url=”http://kosovox.com/les-mehmeti-une-famille-rom-contaminee-au-plomb/ “]

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