A German court in Göttingen decided that two families of Rroma from the Kosovo must return as they did not integrate in Germany.
First, the Germans recognised the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo and de-facto expulsion of all minorities, with less than 10% of the original Rroma still living there, and now, 16 years after the facts, people are sent back.
- A Court in Göttingen decided that two Roma families must return to Kosovo, as they failed to integrate into the German society. In: New Europe. 10.12.2015. http://neurope.eu/article/roma-families-living-in-germany-for-many-years-may-return-to-kosovo/
- Gericht in Göttingen: Roma-Familien dürfen nach 17 Jahren in Deutschland abgeschoben werden. In: Der Spiegel. 09.12.2015. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/goettingen-roma-familien-duerfen-nach-17-jahren-abgeschoben-werden-a-1066873.html