Kosovo: The Forgotten Victims

On the tenth anniversary of the Kosovo, Roma are often forgotten. This is bad, as the UCK actually ethnically cleansed the land of its Roma and there is little space for any minority.

– Les Roms du Kosovo, victimes oubliées de la guerre. In: TV5. 16.02.2018. http://information.tv5monde.com/en-continu/les-roms-du-kosovo-victimes-oubliees-de-la-guerre-221038
– Ashkali, Gorani, Croates: le crépuscule des plus petites minorités du Kosovo. In: Le Temps. https://www.letemps.ch/monde/ashkali-gorani-croates-crepuscule-plus-petites-minorites-kosovo [link-preview url=”https://www.letemps.ch/monde/ashkali-gorani-croates-crepuscule-plus-petites-minorites-kosovo”]

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