Law Case in Finland and Rroma

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A case of abduction, sequestration and rape where a young Rromni was abducted by a Rrom and his daughter, forced to have sex – having 4 children in the process, and finally being freed after several years is raising controversy in Finland. The reason: the mild verdict ( 3 years and ten months for the father, 2 years and 8 month for the daugher), which according to the press was due to the fact that they are Rroma, the father having claimed this was culturally ok among Rroma, as the abducted girl was de-fact his wife according to custom.

Finnish Rroma (so-called Kaale) countered that the deed was in no way condoned by the community nor was it the result of cultural traits. They also criticised the debate in the press.

Follows an extensive debate about culture and law… Fact is, Rroma culture doesn’t condone such acts, by far. Contrary, this would have resulted traditionally in the total exclusion of the Rrom from the community. Unfortunately, some of these traditions are getting lost, in part due to the pentacostal influence and other assimilation factors.