Lety, and an Activist

An article about Jožka Miker, a Rroma activist. He engages himself among other things into closing the pig farm that stands on the site of the former concentration camp of Lety, where many relatives of his wife were killed during the war. This fight has been ongoing since at least 25 years, and is still not closed.

– JOŽKA GEGEN DIE SCHWEINEMAST – VOM KAMPF UM WÜRDIGES ERINNERN AN DAS ROMA-KZ LETY. In: Radio Prague. 18.05.2017. http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/kaleidoskop/jozka-gegen-die-schweinemast-vom-kampf-um-wuerdiges-erinnern-an-das-roma-kz-lety [link-preview url=”http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/kaleidoskop/jozka-gegen-die-schweinemast-vom-kampf-um-wuerdiges-erinnern-an-das-roma-kz-lety”]

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