Poland: Controversy over Schools

A Polish controversy highlights how Roma are regarded in that country (in spite of their low number): Resident of a Roma settlement are going to school in a neighbouring village instead of going to the school in their own village.
The resident of the other village are complaining saying that the other school is better suited for Roma (yes). In fact, they don’t want Roma in their school …

– Zaognia się wojna o małych Romów z Maszkowic. Szkoła w Jazowsku jest zamknięta na dzieci innego koloru skóry? In: Sadeczanin. 12.12.2017. https://sadeczanin.info/wiadomosci/zaognia-sie-wojna-o-malych-romow-z-maszkowic-szkola-w-jazowsku-jest-zamknieta-na-dzieci [link-preview url=”https://sadeczanin.info/wiadomosci/zaognia-sie-wojna-o-malych-romow-z-maszkowic-szkola-w-jazowsku-jest-zamknieta-na-dzieci”]

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