Poland: Eviction

In Maszkowice, South Eastern Poland, a group of 11 Roma houses are being threatened with destruction for having been built illegally. One Rom is threatening to hang himself should this come true.
This technique (illegally built buildings) is increasingly used by several countries to evict Roma. And one needs to note that most of the houses in the countryside in Eastern Europe are illegally built in the first place.

– Mówi, że weźmie sznur, żeby się powiesić. Dramat u Romów w Maszkowicach [WIDEO]. In: Sadedeczanin. 29.01.2019. https://sadeczanin.info/telewizja-gospodarka/mowi-ze-wezmie-sznur-zeby-sie-powiesic-dramat-u-romow-w-maszkowicach-wideo [link-preview url=”https://sadeczanin.info/telewizja-gospodarka/mowi-ze-wezmie-sznur-zeby-sie-powiesic-dramat-u-romow-w-maszkowicach-wideo”]

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