Poland: Integration Program


Vojevodes of Poland are asked to submit plans for the integration of Roma. The Roma Integration Program funds are devoted to four areas: education, health, work and housing. Applications may be submitted for three types of projects: comprehensive actions to increase the integration of the local Roma community (interdisciplinary social projects), small grants and individual grants (local), and nationwide systemic projects (with a strong preference for preferred scholarship programs for students and students of Roma).

– Nabór wniosków do programu integracji Romów na 2018 r. Jakie działania można wspierać? In Samorzadowy. http://www.portalsamorzadowy.pl/polityka-i-spoleczenstwo/nabor-wnioskow-do-programu-integracji-romow-na-2018-r-jakie-dzialania-mozna-wspierac,99562.html [link-preview url=”http://www.portalsamorzadowy.pl/polityka-i-spoleczenstwo/nabor-wnioskow-do-programu-integracji-romow-na-2018-r-jakie-dzialania-mozna-wspierac,99562.html”]

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