Poland: Legal Wrangle

Last episode on a legal wrangle following the decree of the Limanova government who wanted to forbid Roma from applying for a flat in a new planned building in the centre of the town.
Having lost at the Vojevode level, the Limanova authorities appealed and have righlty lost again.

– Czchów przegrywa w NSA. In: Limanowa. 18.01.2018. https://limanowa.in/wydarzenia;nsa-odrzucil-skargi-na-kontrowersyjne-zarzadzenie-ws-domu-dla-romow,39874.html [link-preview url=”https://limanowa.in/wydarzenia;nsa-odrzucil-skargi-na-kontrowersyjne-zarzadzenie-ws-domu-dla-romow,39874.html”]

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