Poland, YouTube, and Racism

The Pole Szymon K., a 33-year-old from Środa Wielkopolska, appears on the Internet under the name ‘IsAmUxPompa’ and produces videos that are extremely racist against Roma. He says openly “I hate Roma” and some of his videos have had more than a million views.
The Poznan prosecutor office is investigating. Everyone should ask Google to remove the guy from YouTube.

– Popularny youtuber: “Nienawidzę Cyganów. Jeb… brudasów. Jeśli ich nienawidzisz, daj lajka”. Prokurator wyrozumiały. In: Wyborca. 01.03.2018. http://poznan.wyborcza.pl/poznan/7,36001,23081636,popularny-youtuber-obrazal-na-nagraniu-romow-prokurator-wyrozumialy.html

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