Remember !

An act at the memory of the Roma killed in Dubnica nad Váhom as part of the Ma bisteren project which aims to remind people about the victims of the Roma Holocaust. In 1942-1944 a work unit was established in Dubnica nad Váhom, where Romani men were interned. In November 1944,
a “rehabilitation camp for Gypsies” was set up by the Ministry of National Defense. In essence, it was a concentration camp from which transports were planned to the extermination concentration camps abroad. More than 700 Romani men, women and children were concentrated during the month. On February 23, 1945, under the pretext of transportation to the hospital, they were loaded with a truck and taken to a local garrison where they brutally assassinated them.
May they rest in peace.

– Z. Kumanová: Príkoria spáchané na Rómoch nemôžu upadnúť do zabudnutia. In: Teraz. 01.02.2018.

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