On Friday, October 20, 2023, the Museum of Roma Culture in Brno hosted the award ceremony of the Museum of Roma Culture Award, which is awarded annually by the museum to personalities who have contributed to the development and preservation of Roma culture. This year, the prize was awarded in memoriam to Robin Strio, director, cameraman, Roma activist and former curator of the museum’s video collection, who died in the spring at the premature age of 33.
- Muzeum romské kultury ocenilo zesnulého režiséra a aktivistu Robina Striu. Vzpomínali na něj jeho kolegové i prezident Petr Pavel. In: Romea. 22.10.2023. https://romea.cz/cz/domaci/muzeum-romske-kultury-ocenilo-zesnuleho-rezisera-a-aktivistu-robina-striu-vzpominali-na-nej-jeho-kolegove-i-prezident-petr-pavel