Rroma Women and Reproductive Rights

Actually, the topic is an important one. The article speaks about reproductive rights, the right to determine when becoming pregnant, healthcare and health insurance, and other topics that are clearly extremely important.
WORTHWHILE READ, as it highlights what discrimination and segregation implies for women and their children. Well done!
Unfortunately, it also leaves generalisations that are not acceptable from an EU representative. There is an undertone of Rroma as being poor and uneducated that is somehow disturbing. Read for yourself, comments welcome!

– Roma women need more empowerment on maternity issues. In: EurAktiv. 28.09.2016. http://www.euractiv.com/section/health-consumers/opinion/roma-women-need-more-empowerment-on-maternity-issues/ [link-preview url=”http://www.euractiv.com/section/health-consumers/opinion/roma-women-need-more-empowerment-on-maternity-issues/”]

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