Slovakia … Bad

Prime Minister Robert Fico says that in Roma settlements the next generation of unemployed is growing. According to the polling agency Polis Slovakia, this is what 79.3 percent of respondents of a survey on Rroma done on a sample of 1,275 respondents aged over 18 years in the whole country by telephone. Respondents were asked two questions.
The question: “Robert Fico at the December congress Direction said that in Roma settlements” next generation grows up that will not work. “Do you agree with this statement of his?” was answered positively by 82.4 percent of the respondents. 41.7 percent strongly agree 40.7 percent neither agree nor disagree. By contrast, 12.4% of respondents disagree, and 3.7% certainly disagrees and 8.7% rather disagree. The remaining 5.2% of respondents were unable to comment.

– – Fico si mal výrokom o Rómoch zavariť, realita je iná: Prieskum hovorí jasnou rečou. In: Topky. 27.12.2016.–realita-je-ina–Prieskum-hovori-jasnou-recou [link-preview url=”–realita-je-ina–Prieskum-hovori-jasnou-recou”]

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