Every day there are more schools in the east of Slovakia with up to 50 percent of Roma pupils. Non-Roma Slovak parents take their children out of school and look for other options for them. They are said to be afraid of infectious diseases, bullying and fights. Why do all solutions fail? An interview with education expert Martin Šmilňák (KDH).
- Segregácia na východe?! Rómske deti nemajú dnes rovnakú šancu mať sa v živote dobre, priznáva Šmilňák z KDH. In: Topky. 22.09.2023. https://www.topky.sk/cl/10/2597171/Segregacia-na-vychode—Romske-deti-nemaju-dnes-rovnaku-sancu-mat-sa-v-zivote-dobre–priznava-Smilnak-z-KDH