Up to 99 percent of the students of the Hungarian-language Lajos Mocsáry Elementary School in Fiľakovo, headed by Ildikó Kotlárová (55), are Roma. She also is a Romni, from the Olah (Vlach) group. While traditionally, women from this group marry very early, thus interrupting their studies, she chose a different path and today, is a role model for many. In the interview, she says that many of the pupils in school come hungry. It is bad.
- Deti chodia na vyučovanie hladné. Tak by nevedeli pracovať ani dospelí, hovorí riaditeľka základnej školy. In: Pravda. 30.01.2023. https://spravy.pravda.sk/regiony/clanok/655236-olasska-romka-ildiko-kotlarova-naburala-stereotypy-pred-vydajom-dala-prednost-studiu/